The Double-Sided Mirror

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Chapter 2: The Double-Sided Mirror

Soo-Jung’s POV

After class, we had to wait for mom at school for 1 hour because she had to attend to some business, so I had no choice but to be once again bullied by the arrogant Oh Sehun.

If I didn’t want to be bullied by him, I have another choice, and that is to go to the girl’s restroom. It’s the only place he where he can’t go in and bully me. But it smells so bad in the restroom I wouldn’t last for more than 2 minutes.

Who cares, it’s not like I can’t fight back. In fact, I know what ticks him off the most. I ran to the school’s garden and started looking for a snail.

He’s a big arrogant narcissi  of a git, but I found out that he was scared to his pants just because of a tiny snail. He was chasing me around with his dog when we reached the garden and a snail found its way to his shoes and his dog  smelled it. He ran out of the garden screaming like a little girl with his dog barking behind him.

After looking for 3 and half minutes I finally found a snail. I used the tiny shovel to dig the soil when suddenly the annoying voice snickered behind me.

“Are you picking flowers now fish face?” Oh Sehun’s voice sneered as I looked up at him with daggers. I reached out behind me to keep looking for the snail.

“No you gay. I’m looking for the precious snail that can make you piss of your very pants” I think I saw his eyes flick with fear, this made my lips form into a smirk.

He looked down beside him and a dirty smirk played in his face “Really? Well I also brought something that can make you piss at your skirt right now. right Andy?” That’s when I noticed his little minion, Andy. His bull dog that also seem like he wants to bully me.

Fear slowly started crawling up to my body, but that’s when I finally touched the snail and grabbed it so it wouldn’t escape. I slowly stood up and hid the snail behind me.

“Guess what you homo…” I showed the snail to him “I found that snail!” I laughed evilly as he let out a scream that almost had the same screaming range as Soo Yeon eonnie’s.

“Soo Jung-ah! Mom’s here!” and speak of the devil,Soo Yeon announced from the entrance of the garden. I nodded in reply and let go of the snail. I stuck out my tongue at Sehun and ran towards my sister.

He didn’t stop screaming until I was out of the garden.

Then when I entered the car, mom gave me a good news that dad agreed to let me join a dance class and that she will start looking for the nearest one in our neighborhood.

Soo Yeon eonnie was clearly jealous but she stayed quiet.


A few days after telling mom that I wanted to join a dance class, she brought me with her going to the nearest dance class she could find around the neighborhood.

When she woke me up and told me about going to the dance class, my face instantly lit up and a smile has spread across my face. I hurried to my closet and took a bath.

After getting ready, I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I thought I would be the second earliest member of the family to get up or third at the very least, but I was wrong, very wrong. Mom, Dad and eonnie were all dined at the table.

I was disappointed but I headed downstairs so I could catch up to them.

After sitting down, I noticed they were all dressed like they were going out “Are you going somewhere?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

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