Chapter 18: Destroyed the Crystal Final Part

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Shu' POV

Lisa and the others successfully teleported the crystal to me, now all I need is to destroy it but that's not an easy task.

"Yes we make it, rias im going to teleport you to shu go help them, were going to stay here to buy you guys some time" lisa said.

"Okay leave it to me" rias said.

Lisa teleport rias to my area so she can help us and to gave me some opportunity to destroy the crystal.

Rias and isami attack the minion while i'm trying to get near to the crystal and destroy it but my first attempt failed, the minion used his magic to attack me and I manage to blocked the attack but I prevent from getting near to the crystal.

We keep trying and trying but we end up failing.

"darn it this is so frustrating, I can't get near to the crystal, if i got more strength left there's a chance I can get close to it, but I'm already exhausted " i said.

Meanwhile airi and the others still fighting the guardian to buy us some time to destroyed the crystal but they already reach their limit.

"Hurry big brother we can't hold it any longer" airi said.

"Shu please hurry" lisa said.

Even though their exhausted then keep trying to hold the guardian so that the guardian won't go and after the crystal.

Time has passed and we still haven't destroyed the crystal.

"Shu's taking so long to destroyed the crystal he must be exhausted right now" lisanna said.

"Yeah i guess, big bro and isami continued fighting against the minion nonstop without a rest" airi said.

Even airi and the others having a hard time figthing the guardian, till lisa figured out something.

"I've got an idea, Stella im gonna need your help with this... luna and airi do you think you can handle the guardian? Lisanna will stay here to support you guys" lisa said.

"Yes we can handle him, what's your plan?" Luna said.

"Stella and i will go to shu's place to help him destroyed the crystal, im gonna teleport stella near the crystal while stella gonna used her ability to burst the crystal and strike toward to shu so he can use the opportunity to destroy that crystal" lisa said.

"Okay sound like plan" airi said.

So lisa and stella went to my place to help me to destroyed the crystal.

While luna and the others keep buying us time till we destroyed the crystal.

"Shu i have a plan listen up, i'm gonna teleport stella direct to the crystal while stella gonna touch the crystal and burst directly to you, so you can destroy it, got it?" Lisa said.

"Okay got it, let's go guys and finish it" i said.

Then the plan set in motion, lisa teleported stella directly to the crystal and stella touch it to burst it towards to me so i can hit it with full strength.

"Stella go!! Send the crytal fly to shu" lisa said.

"On it, shu here it come!!" Stella said.

"Okay im ready, haaaaaa!!! Here's my final blow!! Dash of the lightning strike!!"

I buff the sword with lightning magic and strike the crystal will full dashing speed to cut the crystal into pieces.

Then we succesfully destroyed the crystal and the guardian who fought against luna and the others disappeared.

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