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It was around eleven thirty in the morning, and I was sitting on the couch checking my phone acting like Harry knew my number, that he would text me that our little day out is cancelled.

I was all dressed up sitting on the couch, in between my sister and Niall.

"I don't think he's coming," I said out of the blue, catching both of their attention. "Maybe he just forgot his way here?" my sister yawned, before eating a spoonful of cereal from the bowl she was holding.

"I don't know-"

Suddenly someone knocked at the door, all three of us looked at each other. Till they knocked again, I was about to stand up before Niall pushed me back down and rushed to the door. He opened the door with a huge grin.

"Harry Styles," he shrieked, hugging the man. "Niall," Harry gleamed back.

I sat up, fixing my outfit. I was wearing a navy blue tube top, some high waisted khaki shorts and a white unbuttoned polo. I had to wear a polo, because well. I am insecure.

"Lizzy, someone is here for you," Niall sang, as he pulled Harry into the living room.

"Hey," greeting him with a smile.

"Hi," he waves awkwardly. It feels like I'm going on an awkward first date with a high schooler who I barely know.

"You have your keys?" he joked, I nodded my head.

"Yes sir, I do,"

"Bye Niall," Harry called back, behind us you can hear him sobbing again.

"That man adores you way too much," I told him, as I shut the apartment door behind me as soon as we were out.

"I just have that appeal on people," he winked.

"Yeah right," I scoffed.

"Don't I have that effect on you?" he asked, as we entered the elevator.

"Nope," popping the P. He muttered a 'whatever' knowing damn well I am lying, if he didn't have that appeal on people. I wouldn't be here right now.

"I apologize for being late," he mentions, as the elevator heads down to the lobby. "I had an online meeting with some people," he smiles looking down at me.

"It's okay, I understand," kidding no I don't.

We walked out of the building quietly, I did not expect us to be this awkward not gonna lie. I thought we would just giggle and chat. But this is reality.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked, as we walked down the streets. At least a foot of empty space between us.

I looked up at him, shielding my eyes a bit from the sun that was shining bright behind him. He was sporting some dark shades, lucky him. His outfit, actually somewhat coordinated with me. With a white tee shirt tucked into some Gucci wide legged khaki trousers. We kind of look like one of those couples that are international students. But only with our outfits.

I probably look like an asian assistant to a random rich white man.

"Well, what's your ideal place?" I asked.

"Um- a place that is isolated enough that I won't get noticed but public enough that I know you won't kill me and ask for a ransom" he joked.

"Goddamn it, so I guess that one alleyway downtown won't work," playing a long.

"Let's go to discovery park, they have this cafe that I always go to before work," I mentioned, before nearing the bike rentals, and connecting it to the app on my phone, as he does the same.

Harry H.SWhere stories live. Discover now