English Quotes

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" Friends will make you realize that you can love your life without a lovelife "

" Love is not about how much you say i love you but how much you prove that its true "

" Wish my wallet was as fat as my thighs "

" No one deserves to be an option. "

" In life you may not always get what you want or what you deserve beacause god always gives you what is the best "

" True love knows no distance, beauty, face and body size, its all about what you feel inside your heart and accept someone for who they are. "

" I need 3 things in my life; Sun for my day, Moon for my night and You for the rest of my lfe. "

" Youre like a pendulum device, the more i stare at you, the more i was hypnotized. "

" As long as you love that person waiting is never been boring. "

" God is the reason why even at the saddest part of life, we smile. Even in confusion we understand. Even in betrayal, we trust and even in fear of pain we love. "

" I get jealous because i love you. "

" Take care of the person you love, never tell lies or attempt to hurt them, coz you will only know how important they are when theyre already out of your life. "

" Holding her hand in public is just another way of saying youre proud to have her. "

" Im not ready to die so please dont show me youre killer smile. "

" Hes not the only guy in the universe but hes the only one that matters. "

" Slow replies makes me think that youre talking to someone better than me. "

" Staying single is not about having no one. Its an opportunity to wait for the right one. "

" I always wanted to have a proud, caring and sweet boyfriend. "

" I am constantly pushing away boys who actually care beacause i am still in love with the one who doesnt. "

" Id rather love someone i cant have than have someone i cant love. "

" Protect her, kiss her, love her, hold her, laugh with her. But dont make her fall if you dont plan to catch her. "

" Erasing someone from your mind is easy but erasing someone from your heart is another damn story. "

" Bitches will hate you for life over a man who loves you to death. "

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