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When Harry said he wanted to start trying for a baby, he was not kidding. Literally, as soon as we got home the night of his final show, we were trying for a baby. It's been well over a month since then, and to say I'm not sore and exhausted would be a huge lie.

Aside from attempting to expand our family, we've also gone for our little family vacation. I can't tell you how thankful I am for Harry to have done this for us, I know he's doing it more so for the kids and I than for himself; he's a big fluff ball like that.

Barbados has been treating us wonderfully, so far. Although we've only been here for three days, I can already tell we're going to have an amazing two weeks in this gorgeous Caribbean island.

We had spent the majority of our morning (and midday) at the beach, but when it came closer to Bella and Caleb's nap time, we packed up our things and left the beautiful beach back to our villa.

Whilst I made my babies a quick snack for them to have before we took them to their room to rest for a few hours, Harry played with them in the backyard. Because the area we were residing in for the next upcoming two weeks was a somewhat private location, the villas were close to proximity.

And to our surprise, the couple who was staying next to us  was also from the U.K. They had a three and a half year old daughter who took a quick liking to Bella, much to mine and Harry's joy; it meant our girl had someone around her age to play with.

When I was done preparing Bella and Caleb's fruit salad with a peanut butter sandwich (a piece for each), I made my way through the hallway and into the backyard where Harry was chatting with Nolan and Sarai, the lovely parents of Blue, Bella's new best friend.

I smiled shyly at them both, waving slightly as I walked toward them, wrapping my arms around Harry's waist when I reached them.

"Hiya." Sarai grinned, walking toward me some and opening her arms for a small hug. I welcomed her happily, pulling her aside so we could talk without interrupting our husbands who were rambling about some weird car.

"I was wondering where you were, but Bella said something about "yummy food" so I figured you were somewhere in the kitchen." Sarai laughed, rubbing lazy patterns on her 8 month old baby bump.

"Yeah, I was getting them their snack ready before nap time. However, I think Caleb will probably have his when he wakes up." I chuckled, my gaze turning to where my baby boy was sleeping, tucked away in his father's protective embrace.

"I did the same before joining those two outside. Knowing Blue, she'll refuse to go to bed without having a snack first. I know, she's quite the character." Sarai voiced, rolling her eyes fondly at the mention of her cute daughter's antics.

I turned my attention to where both little girls were sitting on the steps of the porch, the two emitting squeals and giggles as they talked to one another.

"I'm so happy they get along. I've never seen Bella this happy about having someone to play with. Sure, she loves her brother, and when Harry goes on tour and we visit she's got two other toddlers her age to play with, but I've never seen her this excited to have a little friend." I commented to Sarai who was looking at where her daughter was sitting next to my little girl contently, a smile grazing her face.

"Same here. Blue's had a bit of trouble interacting with the kids her age at nursery. I'm glad to see she trusts your girl enough to play with her. I hope we keep in touch even when we go back to England. Like I said, Blue is quite fond of Bella, and I enjoy talking to you as well." The blonde haired girl smiled, showing off her bright grin.

"Of course we will! I thought that was given." I giggled, wrapping my arms around Sarai in a short sideway hug.

We let the girls play with each other till a quarter to three in the afternoon. By that time, both Blue and Bella were more willing to go inside and have their snacks before their naps.

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