We're WHAT?!?!

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Mia pulled the egg out of her teacup and clinked her spoon on her cup multiple times. It was annoying.

Basically everyone was flinching as this was like nails on a chalkboard.

Trixie put her middle finger against her ear to muffle the sound. She even lifted her chair to move away from the offensive noise. Even if it meant getting closer to her grandmother.

Mia stuck the spoon in her mouth to rid it of excess.

Trixie didn't touch her tea. She had never liked it before and she had no reason to like it now.

"Girls, have you ever heard of Edward Christof Philippe Gérard Renaldi?" Clarisse asked.

'Learning to spell that growing up must've been a bitch,' Trixie thought to herself.

"No," Mia answered.

They both turned to Trixie. "Philippe was dad's name. And since your last name is Renaldi, I'm assuming his was too," she deduced, but didn't pronounce the name with the accent Clarisse did.

Clarisse held up a finger. "I'll get to that in a moment," she stated. "He was the Crown Prince of Genovia," she continued to lecture.

Trixie's face fell into shock and awe as her mind made the connection and thank God she wasn't holding anything.

"What about him?" Mia asked.

"Dad," Trixie whimpered.

Clarisse nodded. "Edward Christof Philippe Gérard Renaldi... was your father."

Trixie held a shaky hand over her mouth.

Mia let out a pft. "Yeah, sure. My father was the Prince of Genovia."

Clarisse was nodding, expecting a different reaction. Much like the one her younger granddaughter was giving.

"Sarcasm," Trixie murmured, her voice shaking.

Clarisse went to put a hand on her back, but the girl flinched away. She lowered her hand to put on the table alongside its partner.

"You're joking," Mia stated, taking a sip.

"Why would I joke about something like that?"

"No, no! Because if he's really a prince, then I'm-"

"Exactly," Clarisse nodded, smiling. "You're not just Amelia Thermopolis; you are Amelia Minunet Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia." She turned to the other girl who had calmed down. "And you, my dear, are Bellatrix Amiranda Courtier Thermopolis Renaldi, Second Princess of Genovia."

"Me? A-a princess?" Mia reiterated. "Shut up!" she exclaimed in awe.

Clarisse all but slammed her teacup down. "I beg your pardon? Shut up?"

Trixie put a hand on her forearm. "It's an expression of shock." Her mind was reeling. She had a hard enough time leading the group she already did lead. She couldn't handle a country. Royalty meant fame. Fame meant paparazzi and cameras. Cameras and press risked exposure. She remembered what happened the last time they had been exposed. She had been shot. Her heart had stopped.

"Oh, I understand. Thank you." She turned to refer to both girls. "Nevertheless, you are the Princesses. And I am Queen Clarisse Renaldi."

Trixie decided it was her turn to speak. "Why on earth would you pick us to be your princesses?" she demanded.

Since your father died, you are the natural heirs to the throne of Genovia. That's our law. I'm royal by marriage. You... are royal by blood. You can rule."

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