New Reality

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After explaining everything to the Halliwell-Matthews, Melinda took her on a demon-hunt. 

Trixie easily fell into easy repetition: make potion, make spell, and scry. She used his necklace which had, apparently, fallen off. 

Phoebe walked into the attic. "One Dreylock vanquishing spell." She held up a piece of paper. 

"Dreylock potion is almost done!" Melinda said. She grabbed the paper, balled it up, and threw it into the pot. It blew up. "And the Dreylock vanquish is finished."

The crystal fell on the map. "One Dreylock location!" Trixie called. 

Melinda stood beside her as they orbed out. They reappeared in the underworld where Trixie threw the potion at the demon. It exploded and they orbed back up to the surface. 

"So... I don't want to see my mom again tonight. So... can I stay the night here?" 

"Of course!" Piper insisted. "I'll make up the couch." 

"Thank you, Mrs. Halliwell."

"I've told you, Bella. Call me Piper." 


The next morning, Trixie woke to the smell of bacon and was immediately on her feet. She rushed into the kitchen. She reached for the plate of bacon which Piper moved away from her. Jutting out her bottom lip, Trixie pouted. 

Piper grinned and held out a piece of bacon. 

Trixie perked up and plucked it from her hands. She took a bite. 

"You need to get dressed," Piper said. 

Trixie sighed and pulled a face. 

"None of that," Phoebe, ever the empath, ordered. 

A clay handprint behind Trixie fell from the wall. It broke upon impact with the ground. Piper make her usual hand motion at it and the molecules reversed, placing the clay back on the wall. 

"I know I need to, but I don't want to face my mother," Trixie grumbled. 

"I'll go with you!" Melinda volunteered. 

Trixie immediately perked up. 

Melinda held out her arm and the girls jogged across the road. "You know, Dreylock had eye-incineration," Melinda mentioned. "That must sting." 

"Yeah, well we didn't give him much chance to use it," Trixie giggled. She entered the house, saw Helen and Clarisse, and smiled dismissively. She turned to her friend. "You know, I'm sure I'll fit into your clothes." She turned to avoid the blonde. 

Melinda grabbed her. "No, you need to talk about this. Be the mature one," she insisted. 

"Playing on my need to appear better than I am," Trixie griped. "Bad form." She turned back around and saw both women standing. 

"We all need to talk," Helen said. 

Clarisse nodded. 

Trixie pulled a pathetic face. "I need coffee for this conversation," she whined. She walked over to the pot and poured herself a glass. Helen pulled out a chair, but the brunette just hopped onto the counter, automatically hooking her ankles together. 

"Let us explain," Clarisse requested, glancing at her ankles. 

"After the divorce, we all discussed it. Your father and grandmother both agreed to keep their distances so you'd both have normal childhoods." 

'That didn't quite work out, mom,' Trixie argued mentally. 

"You would be free of emotional complications tied to royalty. We were going to tell you when Mia was 18 years old, you - 16. But when your father died, things changed." When Trixie wouldn't meet their eyes, just kept covering hers and shaking her head, Helen insisted, "We wanted to protect you!" 

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