Only the Beginning.

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Stevens P.O.V

Not a bad thought was on my mind. My beautiful wife at home. My 10 year old boy who I haven't seen in over a year. Not knowing who would soon be showing up to surprise them.

Today, I was discharged from my duties of the US Army. After 6 years of serving, I'm proud to say that I defended my country.

I pulled over to the side of the road to a payphone. I dialed the numbers to our home phone. As the phone rang, I could feel the butterflies swarm my heart. I was so excited to be back home to see my family.

"Hello?" She asked through the line.

"I'm coming home Mary. It's Steven." I said smiling.

I heard her start to cry through the phone.

"Oh baby I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too sweetheart. I'll be home soon."

We live in the city of Chicago. Loud cars on the streets. Police chases and gunshots.

But you gotta love it.

"Austin says he misses you a lot too. He wants to play that rematch you promised him before you left."

"Alright buddy, you're on. I'll see you when I get back." I couldn't help but smile at the kids confidence.

"Oh hey babe?" Mary asked.


"There was thing on the news.. Something about a virus caused by some sort of pollution. You know anything about that?"

"No..? That's strange."

"Alright well I lo..."

The line cut off suddenly.

"Mary..? Mary? Huh. Alright then."

I walked back to my car and headed towards Chicago.


A sign read,

Chicago: 10 miles.

I was so stoked I almost ran into the guy in front of me. Last thing I wanted to happen is to die before I got to my family. I've seen enough death anyways.

It made me think back to when I was in the field. Bullets and mortars flying over my head... Watching my best friends die from behind enemy lines. Feeling that bullet hit my chest repeatedly.. Getting rushed to a medic and into a rescue chopper.

I snapped out of my phase to see a man in the middle of the highway. I swerved to try and not hit the man. The car span and went out of my control, and hit hard into the guard rail.

My face was buried in the hard hitting air bag that probably saved my ass. I exited the car and walked towards the man that was in the road.

"HEY! Sir? What the hell were you doing in the middle of the road? I could've gotten killed! Let alone could've killed you."

The man kept walking and ran into the guard rail. He kept trying to walk without jumping over it. It's like he couldn't climb or jump.

"Sir? I'm talking to you!" I yelled at the man.

He stopped and slowly turned his head in my direction.

I realized the horrors of the situation. I couldn't have almost killed him.

If he wasn't already dead.


Hey people! Guess who's back and with a brand new genre! I'm trying something new. So enjoy reading. Thank you to Bailie for the source of the title of this book and the cover.

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