Chapter 2

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To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first, you need to believe in the impossible. Because all of us, we've forgotten what miracles look like. Maybe because they haven't made much of an appearance lately. Our lives have changed and drifted us apart because we don't share the same destiny, but we were never meant to. Decisions we've made have moulded us into who we are today and we can't blame anyone else for how our lives have turned out except ourselves.

She closed her journal and went to go get herself some coffee from the canteen. She was early, earlier than most, but it was still her first week and she wanted to make a good impression. She finally met Matt, great guy and an even better boss which she appreciated seeing as Stefan was avoiding her like the plague. "Hey, sorry I didn't know anyone was in here" a brunette said from the door, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hey, no it's fine I just came to get some rocket fuel otherwise I'd never make it through the day" she said referring to the cup of coffee in her hand and he chuckled at that.

"Rocket fuel?"

"You know, from the movie October Sky?" She said enthusiastically getting a little excited, she loved old movies.

"Yeah, no I got it, but isn't that movie like twenty years old?"

"Yeah, it a classic" she said making him smile even more. "You're an interesting character, newbie. I'm Jeremy Gilbert, sports journalist".

"Oh, you're Elena's brother. I met her a few days ago, her and Caroline, great girls. They really made me feel welcome. My name is Bonnie, by the way, Bonnie Bennett".

"Nice to meet you, Bonnie Bennett" he said finding her rambling a little adorable, "Well if you need anything feel free to ask".

"I appreciate that" she said in gratitude. "Well, let me leave you to your coffee" she said and walked out of the canteen.

Stefan stood by the window of his office and watched her have an animated conversation with Elena's little brother. He ignored the clench of his chest at the sight of her smile, a smile that could bring any man, including himself, to his knees, but that chapter in his life was closed. His heart wasn't strong enough to let her in again, or anyone for that matter, which is why it was good for him to keep his distance.

"Stefan" Elena said from the door and he reluctantly pulled his eyes from the image below his office and turned to look at Elena. "What is it, Elena?"

"Bonnie finished the story she was working on, Matt needs you to look at it before it goes to printing" she said and he nodded. "It's in your emails".

"Thanks" he said and she turned to leave, hesitating at the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"It's just that ever since Bonnie started working here you've, and you've been hiding out in your office instead of out on the floor, where you usually are".

Has he really been hiding and did people notice? That's not the kind of boss he wanted to be and he wasn't going to let her resort him to hiding out in his office. He refused to give her that much power. "Maybe I should go say hi later" he said fixed on his resolve.


Bonnie was busy writing her next puff piece when a tablet slammed on her desk making her practically jump out of her skin. "What the hell?!" She jumped and looked up at the person responsible.

"Do it again" Stefan said looking down at her and she looked at the tablet in front of her with the article she wrote a few days ago. "Why? Matt said it was good".

"And I'm telling you to do it again. We didn't become the best paper in this town by doing subpar work".

"Subpar?!" She barely kept herself from yelling like she wanted to and had to remind herself that this was her boss. "That article is good, I know it is and you're telling me to rewrite it?"

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