Yandere! Ralph

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- Succulent

- Eyes on you 24/7

- He'll treat you like a princess/prince

- He take dat knaifu and end sum LAIFU!

- Someone tryna fuck with you and you know what the fuck happen to them

- 28 stab wounds? Nah, he split that bitch intwo

- He loves seeing you wearing a red dress (Doesn't matter if you're a guy, he's still gonna love it)

- If you pissed him, he yelled at you and then apologize a lot. I mean a fUCKING LOT.

- He's scared you'll leave him

- He didn't tie you to a chair or a bed. No no, he only did that if you crossed the line (It usually doesn't last long Tbh)

- If he's jealous he'll hold your hand and glare at the person who's talking to you

- He loves how pretty you are when you didn't get mad at him

- He just wants you to love him as much as he loves you

- Sometimes you found him crying and mumbling a lot of things

- (If you leave him I'm reporting to #RalphProtectionSquad, sorry not sorry )

- You hugged him and hummed him some sweet things until he calm down

- He kinda creeps you out but you love him either ways

- (I want those people who hurt him rot in hell-)

- Just a smol, protective lil' bean

(Rk900/Conan next)

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