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Warnings: Panic Attack

Y/n's POV

I took Tyler, Josh and Jenna to my room. They didn't talk until we got to my room.

"So, Y/n, what do you like to do?" Josh broke the silence.

I was freaking out. My idols were in my room, asking me questions about my life and were possibly gonna adopt me.

"Well, ummmm. I'm a fairly boring person. I um like to read, draw, write, and listen to music. I also play a few instruments...." I awkwardly stated.

"What instruments?" Tyler asked, with genuine curiosity.

"There's to many to name, I play like 30, but my main ones are saxophone, ukulele, piano and guitar." I smiled, that's the only thing I like about myself. That I play a lot of different instruments.

"30?" Josh questioned.

"About that many."

"Wow." All three of them were genuinely shocked.

"I also act. I'm in this program, where every quarter we do a new musical and perform it. Right now we're about to start matinee's for Dear Evan Hansen.... I play Evan." I trailed. I love music, and musicals.

Jenna smiled.

"I'm in band. And choir. I really love my middle school. But I'm going to a different high school from my best friend so that sucks."

"Band?" Josh questioned.

"Yep. I play the tenor sax in class. And other instruments if they need it or something.."

"Cool." Josh said.

"How's your life here?" Tyler asked. I panicked. I looked up and met his eyes. Mine filled with panic, his with concern.

"It's um... um..." my breathing started to quicken. My vision went blurry and I put my head down. Tyler and Josh knew exactly what was happening.

Josh came and sat next to me on my bed. He pulled me closer to his chest.

"Listen to my heartbeat. Follow your breathing. You're safe now. As long as Tyler, Jenna and I are around, you'll be safe." I started crying. My breath was still quick and I was petrified.

Tyler rubbed my back and I slowly calmed down.

"" Josh whispered in my ear. I finally calmed down, but didn't let go of him.

"Th-thank you..." I mumbled.

"Of course darling." I still held onto him.

"How would you like Josh, Jenna and I adopting you?" Tyler asked once I fully calmed down. I let go of Josh and pulled Tyler into a hug.

"I'd love that!"

"As you may know, we're on tour. Once the American leg is over, which is the day before Thanksgiving, we'll come back home until the next leg starts. We'll go house hunting. And when Josh and I leave for the other legs, you and Jenna will be here. We'll be back in March!"

I hugged Tyler, my eyes watering. "Thank you." I buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"No problem sweetheart." He hugged back.

The doorbell rang a few seconds later.

"Who's that?" Josh asked.

"Probably my two friends, who coincidentally are going with me to the concert tomorrow night..."

"So they're fans?" Tyler asked.

"Big fans. They won't do anything crazy except maybe flip out a little bit."

"Okay good."

I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/n, it's Amy and Maria."

"Come in."

"Hey hun... WHAT???" Maria shrieked.

"Hi, I'm Josh, this is Tyler and Jenna." Josh spoke up.

"Holy crap!" Amy exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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