The Greatest Theif

14 2 0

The case holding the crown started going haywire moving the glass case up and down up and down until Shane stuck a piece of metal under it making it jam. He quickly sent the Lego figure in to turn off the alarm system. Once he had pulled the robot out he lifted the glass case and slipped inside. For a few minutes he stared at the crown and thought how proud his father would be at this moment. (Of course his father was not happy. He was so upset that he was trying to get his son caught by turning on the alarm system. From up there.)

His trance was ended as he realized that he had only half completed his goal. He still had to get out of there alive and with his fathers precious Jewel. bang the defense was triggered he had accidentally moved his hands into the sensor laser sending light knock out gas into the case and closing off the entrance of the case. Shane tried to resist but as he had taken of his gas mask he was so slumped on the floor like a sleeping baby. Oh did I also mention he had also triggered an alarm. That had sent over 100 guards running to the palace and that's not including the police.

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