Every time I get a little alone time with my beauty somebody or the other ruins it. It gets me so frustrated.

"Hey, wait up" I called them both.

They both stopped and turned around to face me. "What's the matter fucktard?" Bella spat.

"Would you guys like to swim after dinner?" I asked them.

"Sure Joey, we will see you at dinner."

I decided to set the alarm and sleep for a while. I slept soundly till the alarm went off. I searched for the alarm clock, successfully shutting it off, I got off of the bed to wash my face. I limped towards the bathroom, washed my hair and set my hair right. I went out of the room, down the stairs and towards the dining room.

I went and sat at the head of the table. No one else had showed up yet. These people are so lazy and always late! Maria came out of the kitchen and greeted me, I greeted her back with a politeness.

The staff brought the food and set it on the table. They started turning the plates and pouring water in all the glasses. When Maria was done setting up everything she stood in a corner waiting for others to come. 15 mins had passed and nobody showed up.

"Maria, did you inform everyone that the dinner would be served at 7:00 pm sharp?"

"Yes miss, I had informed everybody about the dinner timing. Would you like for me to go and check on everybody else and see what's taking them so long?"

"Yes, please."

Maria walked away briskly leaving me alone at the table to wait for the others to show up. Another 10 minutes passed before Maria showed up, she had her head down and her face was as red as a tomato.

"They are coming, miss" she informed me, her face still bright red.

"Maria, what's the matter? Are you having an allergic reaction?" I asked, concerned for her well being.

Just then, everybody else walked into the room, London and Stacey were laughing in a boisterous manner while Sydney kept nudging Isabella with her elbow and Anne was blushing profusely. She looked so cute when she blushed. But what happened? I am so clueless here.

"Anybody's gonna tell me what happened?" I asked.

When none of the girls replied, I looked at Maria hoping she would give me an answer. Maria's face was still red and I was getting more and more concerned for her.

"Maria, are you having an allergic reaction to something? Your face is the shade of a tomato and I can see you sweating from here. What is the matter?" I asked again.

"No miss, its not an allergic reaction. There is nothing to be worried about. I will serve the dinner." With that said she rounded the table and served us all.

"Maria is allergic to finding two love birds in a very compromising situation" London blurted out and all of them began laughing again except Isabella and Anne.

Oh, so they were both doing it again. Like what the fuck? Why do they have to have so much sex?

"You guys are having way too much sex in one day" I said while chewing my salad.

"Says the whore who fucked 8 girls in one night" Isabella spat back at me.

"Whoa! Seriously? Did you really fuck 8 girls in just one night?" Stacey asked.

"We are not discussing  my sex life. It is none of your concern" I stated in a very firm voice.

"But we could all hear the sex that night. Those girls were shouting and moaning so loudly, you really did a number on them. One of them had wobbly legs for two days." Sydney opened her big fucking mouth.

Be My Only One (Completed)(Lesbian)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz