1. September 1st, 1975

57 2 40

"Indigo!" I whipped my head around to see Sadie standing near the train. She was surrounded by James, Remus and Sirius, and I was surprised Peter wasn't with them. I waved at all of them before turning back to my mum. "Can I go say hi? I haven't seen Sadie in three weeks. And I haven't seen James and Sirius and Remus all summer."

"Go ahead love," Alice, my mum, replied. "Hurry back, I need your help with your trunk."

I ran off towards my friends, tackling Sadie in a bear hug. "I've missed you!" I shouted into her ear.

"I've missed you too!" Sadie shouted back, squeezing my waist tightly. When I released her, James slapped my back. "Good ta see ya, Indie," he grinned.

"Yeah, hows our favourite Hufflepuff?" Sirius asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm not Sadie's favourite Hufflepuff, that's Melanie." Sadie blushed, causing James and Sirius to tease her. "Oooh, someone's got a crush!" James teased.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I hadn't realised you stopped drooling over Lily Evans," Sadie smirked, causing Remus and I to double over with laughter. James went red, stuttering as he tried to tell Sadie to shut her mouth.

"Indie!" I turned to see my mum calling me back over.

"I gotta go load my trunk," I told my friends. "Save me a seat in your compartment!"

"We will," Sadie said. I jogged over to my mum, and Remus followed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Helping you and your mum with the trunk," Remus replied. "I know you, and I'm sure that thing weighs a ton. You always overpack."

"Oi," I snapped. "Shut it, Lupin, or I'll shut it for ya."

"Is that anyway to talk to your new prefect?" Remus asked. I gasped. "Did you really get it?!" He nodded proudly, and I squealed before hugging him. "Well, you're not actually my prefect," I reminded him. "We're in different houses."

"A prefect is a prefect and I can still write you up for any mischief," Remus said.

"I'm pretty sure mischief is your thing," I winked. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Hi Remus," my mum smiled when we reached her.

"Hi Mrs. Harrison," Remus smiled, hugging my mum. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see you this summer!"

"It's quite alright, although I did miss having someone with manners around," my mum said.

"Oi!" I shouted. "I 'ave manners!"

"This isn't Liverpool, Indie," Remus reminded me. "You can speak properly here."

"I am speakin' properly, fank you very much," I said defiantly, crossing my arms over my chest and sticking my nose in the air.

"No you aren't, love," my mum laughed.

"I miss da," I grumbled. "'e never makes fun of me accent."

"Stop complaining and help us with your trunk," Remus said. "You were speaking properly before, with James and Sirius and Sadie."

"Yeah, well, I gotta get as much time wif me real accent while I still can, dun I?" I replied. "Before I gotta be all stiff and proper for a year. I like the way I speak. The Beatles talk like me, ya know?"

"Most people at Hogwarts don't know what The Beatles are, you know," Remus reminded me, making my mum laugh. I sighed. "What a bloody shame that is."

The three of us loaded my trunk onto the train before my mum handed me my cat carrier. I poked my finger inside and stroked Jude's pink nose lightly. "Ready for another year at 'ogwarts, eh?" I asked him. He meowed softly, making me smile.

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