chapter five

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wow sorry for the shorter chapter. it's mostly just a filler, sorry.

also kinda michael backstory??? or just to dive deeper into his personal life, idk

tw: cursing

wc :~: 452


michael pov

Michael said goodbye to everyone leaving the party, excluding the three people that had helped set up.

"I'll see you two tomorrow, bye Jake, by Jer!" He called after the couple as they left. He turned to the last person: Rich.

"H-hey, I'm sorry for earlier," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, it'th okay, Mikey. Let'th jutht never, ever talk about it again, okay?" Rich suggested, a smile on his freckled face. "Unleth thomehow we end up together in the future. Not thaying I wouldn't date you or anything but- y-you know what I mean."

Michael chuckled softly and smiled knowingly. "Yeah, I know. I'll see ya tomorrow Rich."

"Thee ya!" Rich called over his shoulder as he walked away from the house. Michael closed the door and looked around, seeing how well the four boys cleaned up. He fixed a few more things before going up into his room. He glanced over at his closet, the memory of him kissing Rich coming back. He shook his head as if to shake it away and laid down on his bed, taking his glasses off. He put them in their case and on the side table.

He sat up, taking his hoodie off. He tossed it on his side chair, hopping off the bed and taking his shirt off. He took everything else off before putting on sweatpants, laying down again. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his instagram, ignoring all his notifications. 

Now that he was popular, he got about twenty times more likes and comments on everything. Even if it was a random shitpost. Everyone was loving him now, and, in all honesty, Michael was loving it. He loved attention, sadly to say, but to him, attention was vital.

He yawned softly as he turned his light off, plugging his phone in and laying back down. He pulled the sheets over him and closed his eyes.

Instead of falling asleep, Michael stayed awake for hours. Until five am, to be specific. Mostly doing weird shit: trying on his whole wardrobe, reorganizing most of his room, watching NetFlix, and even making one of those 'send this to someone without any context' videos. Oh, and then one of the videos where they had the foam mannequin head and danced around to a song.

And tumblr shitposts.

Fifteen, to be exact.

Tumblr was his home away from home. He mostly shitposted, but it was fun. He always found an opportunity to crash normal post and make it into a Supernatural one. He was one of the most common people to see crashing a post. Because the Supernatural fandom had a gif for everything.

But hey, Michael Mell isn't a normal teen.

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