chapter 3 // suprise

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I had to rush this chapter so I'm sorry if it's trash. WARNING: ANT MAN AND THE WASP SPOILERS!


The next day...

(I'm just going to put the entire thing in third person because I can)


Tony woke up and. Was. Shooketh.

The Steve fucking (the real only part with adult language is this chapter so yeah) Rogers was asleep next to him.

Tony jumped out of bed.

What happened?! Tony thought. I gotta get out.

Tony made his way to the kitchen. Everyone was there. Rocket, Nebula, Shuri - who was crying into Okoye's arms, because of the loss of her brother - Okoye, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodes, and Thor were all there, sitting on something. Rocket was on the counter. Shuri, Okoye, Nebula and Thor we're sitting on the couch. Nat was sitting on Rhodes because he lost a bet. And Bruce was trying to use science to make breakfast.

That ended with the kitchen practically exploding. Everyone jumped in shock. Thor stood up and made an announcement.

"Alright. Pop tarts for breakfasts!" He exclaimed. (I'm trying my best to make him sound like him.)

Everyone groaned.

"Please. No, that's all we've eaten for the past three days." Nebula begged.

"Shut up." Thor declared as he threw a pop tart at Nebula's head. "Pop tarts are Earth's mightiest foods."

Tony simply stared at everyone. Until he finally noticed Nat sitting on Rhodes.

"What's going on here?" Tony asked. He heard Steve begin to wake up from down the hall.

"I lost a bet to Nat, this is what happened when I lost." Rhody explained.

"What was the bet?"

"Rhody and I were going to make breakfast." Natasha explained. "We were going to ask if you or Steve wanted to help. We went to your room first, but you weren't there, so I said to Rhody, 'I bet you that Tony and Steve slept together.' He said 'I bet you 200 bucks.' And I said, 'I bet you a seat on your back.' So we looked into Steve's room... and... Rhody lost."

By now, everyone's attention was on the three. Mouths were dropped. TV volume was turned down. Pop tart crumbs were spilled.

"Then I came in here, sat on Rhodes, and Bruce... tried... to make breakfast." Natasha finished.

"Tony was drunk and wouldn't go to sleep." Steve said from behind Tony. His voice make Tony jump. "I found out the only way to make him go to sleep was to literally sleep with him. It was like getting a child to sleep."

Everyone turned away, after receiving their explanation.

Suddenly Tony remembered everything that happened last night. He gave Steve a look that said, Thanks for the save.

Steve's look said, No problem.

(Here are the spoilers)

Mean while, on top of a building randomly in the middle of the city...

The day of the snap...

"Guys? Hello?"

Scott Lang was stuck in the quantum realm. And he knew it.

In the real world, a bird flew through the sky. It saw dust fly away, (from the building Scott was on) and thought it was seeds. It flew there just as the "seeds" disappeared. There were computers and other screens. The bird pecked a few buttons. It accidentally pushed the button that brings Scott back to reality.

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