New Themes: Dark Tinkerbell and Jim Hook

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Dark Tinkerbell- Alice's Tango by Ch-Chi:

Reasoning: she believed that Peter would stay in Neverland; but he didn't, causing her to turn brutal.  She is not fooled by the Winx or Jim.
Here's a song quote:
"Oh, don't you dare mistake me for another fool, I'm the on the one who pulls the strings; now you're my tool!" This entire song, including this verse fits with the fact that Smee was doing her bidding throughout season one. He was her errand boy, you could say.

Jim Hook- Instruments Of Cyanide by DAGames

Reasoning: Jim revealed himself as the true villain and uses his powers for dark reasonings,  and he indeed does posses dark magic. Song quote:
"Dark nights are upon magic slays on the chorus!" This song, this quote in particular reveals his true plans for Neverland: making it a dark and utter hellhole for eternity.
He's Neverland's fatal poison, and it's my personal favorite thing about him.

Tagging the two Neverlanders who are smitten for these two immoral characters:
LittleBlueBon (Tinkerbell's lover and sidekick)
NightBear15 (Jim Hook's Queen and lover)

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