Wedding 1917

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Authors note: this part is a bit short but the other parts will be longer. Sorry about that

Militibus is a small town right outside the busy streets of a busy town. The story is from dark times; times the elders of the town wished they had forgotten.
In 1897 a wealthy couple with a spoiled young 6 year old son had just bought a piece of land. Through the land ran a lake, they named the lake after their boy; Roi Green.
The Green family soon built a house there and were in peace. Fiery Green, Roi's mother; went to the lake to sing often, she would sit on the boulders by the water and sing her melodies. One day she saw something beyond the trees on the other side of the lake, it was a man, she spoke to him and they became friends.
She returned to the lake every day to talk to him from the other side of the lake.
He lived with all his family, his cousins his uncles; every one of them. Fiery wished her family to be like them one day, together and inseparable. She never told her husband about the man nor the family, for she had fallen in love with the man.
Fiery knew it was a horrible thing, she had never meant to give such pain to her family. The man from the other side of the lake had fallen in love with her as well and wanted to run away with her. Fiery refused the offer, she didn't want to leave her child to go through a life without a mother. Fiery forgot all about the man, as one forgets a dream.

Years later the two brought their lands together with some more surrounding lands and formed a small town. They named the town Militibus; after the latin word for warriors. The name of the lake remained to be Roi Green Lake.
5 family lands in total were joined together; the Greens, the Morrisons, the Camerons, the Evans and the Levesque. Roi Green got engaged with the Emily Cameron, she was the daughter of the man that Fiery had fallen in love with. Seems that in preparation for the wedding their love had resparked.
Roi caught both of them in a rather unpleasant moment, and found out of everything that happened in the past. In rage he confronted his mother but she told him she had to go, she was leaving after his marriage. That was the last time he ever spoke to her. The day of the wedding was a bloodbath;1917. A group of people crashed the wedding and slaughtered everyone who was there;this came as a shock to everyone. The only family who had not went to the wedding was the men from the Evans Family; they had all joined the army to fight in world war one. The evans eventually blamed for the masked murders but never caught. Over years this town was forgotten of by the big cities nearby. The Evans family was the only family who was still living there, alone for years, growing with their family. Eventually outsiders came to the city after hear rumors of its beautiful lake and grassy fields; and the day known as the day of the slaughtering by the people of the town; left only in some books. Everything had changed, in fact the name of the town was no longer Militibus.

People here are strange. The time has changed. Now a days Ethan always talks in a strange manner, and he seems ashamed to admit I'm his older sister. I don't say anything because I understand our situation. Like our usual routine we are moving to new town, Ethan says we have friends of ours there, but I am not to speak to them around others. Tomorrow we will make our appearance at the main base, I'm not afraid...I. am. not. Afraid.
"Valentina, I'll go in first, wait about ten minutes or so and then do what I told you before kay?" Ethan seems worried that I might mess up. He is aware that I have never messed up so why is he worrying now. What happened. Now that he has left, I must do as he says and wait. These people around me, they wear such unpleasing dressing. Some time has passed so it is time that I make my appearance. I enter into a large fortress, the walls high and covered in colors of all shades, no people in sight. Rooms coming one after the other. I wonder what is inside of all these rooms, Ethan had said this is where I am to continue my learnings. These doors they have windows on them. That completely outrageous. Isnt the meaning of a door to have privacy? I follow the signs that were supposed to lead me to the main room, Ethan said he has already arranged for my setting this time. Here is it. Time for my entrance.
There are three elderly woman sitting behind short walls.
"Hello, my name is Valentina Derose, I'm a new learning here at your chambers."
"Oh hi Valentina, it's so nice to meet you. Now we I'll just print out your schedule for you it will only take a minute. Please have a seat I'll be right back" said one of the ladies as she stood up and left the room. She had short curly orange hair. She is so sweet. I take a seat.
"Valentina do you play any sports?"
"Yes. I run. A lot"
"Oh then that's great! I'll hope to see you in our track team this year!" She sounded so chipper.  She then told me the directions to my next class and I was off. I was to learn English and music in the mornings.

The day passed fairly quick. I've made some conclusions about their minds... it's different...much different than before.
Who know humans could change so much in 100 years.

Who am I you ask?

I'm human, half human...have what u would call Dracula or vampire... we aren't exactly how you people these days portray us. Hopefully by reading this you will be able to tell what we are like. My name is Valentina DeRose. My brother is the one who has brought me back to this world after 100 years. I feel it would have been better if I just stayed where I was... forever....I'd rather wait forever time than to have even the slightest chance of bumping into people from my past. Rather... my yesterday. 1917.

I was a normal guest at the wedding.

I was... I am 120 years old, but in this time, I say I'm 17. I was at the wedding with my brother and mother. Father passed years before that. The three of us sat at one of the tables and were enjoying our time. It was a happy moment.
I went to get a glass of juice for mother. I was looking for a waiter. Immediately found myself lost in the building inside its long hallways. I could no longer hear the music from the wedding hall.
I saw.
A boy.The groom. He was standing out side of a room and listening into someone's conversation. At the moment, the only thing that ran through my mind was how rude it was.
But. He then he went in. I couldn't hear anything. From the sounds of it, he had some family issues of him own going on. Being the lady I am I decided to walk away. But I did happen to over hear something. It's too late now. They are outside. If we want to get out of here as we are right now. We must leave this instant. His voice, deep and grouchy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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