The lazy day

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The text between you and Michael

N: Morning Michael

M: Good Morning beautiful

N: -blushing- thanks!! So... What are you up too?

M; nothing much just text an angel from above!!! What do you have planned for today?

N: awwww thanks!!!! Nothing, do you want to come over?

M: yah... What time?

N: is now ok?

M: yah sure I can come anytime if that mean to see your beauty...

N: hehe thanks again!! So see you then bye

M: welcome bye babe

You decided since you took a shower last night that you would just get change you put on black legging, an oversized sweatshirt, and boots. You also decide that you would throw your hair in to a high ponytail; for makeup you did a winged eye liner, and some colorless lip balm. When you were done that you heard a knock at the door, you opened it and saw Michael with flowers. " Michael you didn't have too, they are beautiful, thanks" you said while hugging Michael. " your welcome I got them cause they were as beautiful as you....." He said while looking down. You picked up his head and kissed his lips. You asked him "what do you want to do?" Michael responded "let's have a lazy day" you said "sure ok?" You and Michael began to play video games, watch tv, and just talk all day long. It was 11:47pm so you said to Michael tiredly "you can stay here if you want you ca take the bed and I will have the couch"Michael shook his head no "I take the couch and you have the bed" you guys argued about that for a solid 10 minutes. You said to Michael " fine we both can sleep on the bed" Michael smiled at you while you rolled your eyes. Michael climbed in your bed after you did. It was already 12:30 and your couldn't sleep so you look over to see Michael still awake to. You whispered to him "I can't sleep" he replied "me either" after he said that he was cuddling with you with his head in-between you shoulder and neck and his arms wrapped around your hips. You said sleepy "good night Michael" and he said "good night beautiful." After that you drifted of to sleep.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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