Forget About It; The Prophecy

Start from the beginning

I sighed in rememberence that I needed a beta. I needed one especialy for the alpha's meet. It was a meeting of the alpha's during the summer. We would talk and hopefully recieve advice from our ancestors. If I didn't have a beta it would make the pack look weak and like an easy target. Trouble is I can't find one that would be good for the pack. Ryder has good judgment, most of the time, but I can't trust him. Buckeye I can trust, but his judgment isn't so good. I shook the thoughts away, forget about it I'll pick a beta another time. 

====================================== Going to jump around a bit here.

The storms rolled by and eventually I led my pack to hunt. The hunt was successfull and thankfully we didn't have anther snow storm. Sapphire slept in Berry's den and Brownie slept in the other den. Spring nearing and I still hadn't found my true mate, or I still don't know who was. I traveled away from the pack every once and a while to look for my true mate, but I couldn't find her. I had a feeling I never would. 


A beautifull howl cut through the air singing of joy, pride and pups. The beautifull howing came from the east, the MoonShire Pack. Another howl, not as beautifull, sang of joy, happiness and pups to the south, the Willow Grass Pack. Both packs howling harmonized each other. I lifted my own head and howled of joy and happiness. Spring was nearing which meant it was time to move to the summer den location up north. There was a longiness inside of me, spring was the time pups were  born. Brownie has been doing all she could during the winter to seduce me, but I refused to give in to her puppy wolf eyes. Sapphire and I have not been on good terms. She growls when ever I'm near her, and I growl back. I refuse to look at her, and twice I've been tempted to attack. 


My paw healed as well as my back leg. I was supposed to leave, but Berry insisted that I stayed. I reluctantly agreed. I was to be the omega, but I felt like the same old rogue wolf. The pack howled in respone to the other packs howls. It wasn't my place to howl along with them as the omega, so I kept quiet. Jinx stood up, standing tall with pride for the pack. He flicked his tail and barked before sprinting off. One by one the pack followed; Jinx, Brownie, Buckeye, Ryder, Berry, Venom, Poppy, and I. We ran north. We crossed the heavily marked border as we ran. I heard barking behind me and easily reconized my old pack. The ran beside us toward the pathway in the mountains. 

"Hurry up, it's a narrow path ahead!" I heard the alpha bark, his pack raced ahead.

"Let's go!" I heard Jinx bark. The pack sped uphead. The two alpha's were right beside each other. The order of our ranks was messed up, we just wanted to beat them.

"I won't let you win!" Brownie growled at the alpha female beside her.

"Sorry honey, but I'm better than you" she growled back. She snapped viciously at Brownie, she managed to jump back in time though. The other pack laughed at us as they ran. I growled and willed my legs to move faster. Steadily I moved up closer to passing them. 

"Get back in your place" Brownie snapped. I whimpered and slowed up a bit. Jinx skidded to a stop, the other pack reached the narrow pathway between the mountains and started going through. He growled and his eyes reflected his anger. He paced back and forth not happy that the other pack bested his own pack. 

"Hurry lets go" Jinx commanded and started running along the wider path below. I was having second thoughts about going this route, but followed anyway. Above I could hear the Moonshire wolves yipping and barking about being stronger than the Ice Lake Pack. I shook my head, always so proud they are with big heads. 

"Hey I have an idea" said a wolf.

"What?" said another.

"oopps!" the wolf exclaimed. Large rocks tumbled down the steep hill towards us. I whimpered, one was comming directly for me. I froze like caribou in the darkness of night. 

"Sapphire!" Jinx yelled for me to move, but I couldn't. 

"I got ya" Berry said, she grabbed me by the scruff and yanked me out of the way.

"Are you okay?" Berry asked concered. I nodded, the wolves above laughed loudly. 

"Just forget about me" I told her. On we continued, I could smell something up ahead, but a large hill blocked my view. As I ran uphill I could finaly see it. A large, gleaming lake that was still frozen. It was beautifull though. A river ran downhill, the same river that spit into two streams around the Ice Lake's den miles behind us. The Moonshire wolves turned east while we turned west. The territory's scent was still strong and was well covered with high grass, cat tails, and reeds. I followed last since I was the omega and didnt' know where to go. We came upon a clearing and the side of the mountain. There were two dens dug into the side of it, the area had a few water tupelo's growing nearby as well as other trees that grew by the water. I felt myself missing the dense forests of my old pack territory, note that I missed the territory not the pack. I could hear my old pack howling their joy of having pups soon. I... sort of wanted my own pups to care for, but that's the thing. I'm not cut out to care for pups. 


Here we are, the summer den. Most importantly the place where we may speak with the Ice Lunar Pack, home to our ancestors who are said to live on the lake and beneath the cloudy sky and moon.  I've been waiting ages to come here. I've felt a strong pull these last few moons (days). I had to speak with the Ice Lunar's wolves. Surely they have a message for me. The sun was still up, so the pack was resting outside under the sun. It may not be the best time, I should wait for the moon to be up, but I can not wait. Silently I slunk through the grass towards the lake. There was a small island in the center of the lake. I waded through the water towards a flat piece of wood. No one knows how the wood became like this, long flat boards, but it helped us reach the island. On the island a small pool of water was still. 

"Dear Ice Lunar's, I know it may not be the best time but I beg you to share your wisdom" I whispered. Fog rose up from the pool of water and covered the small little island. It made me frightened because I couldn't see. My nose twitched anxiously, but there was no scent anywhere. I whimpered fearfully and crouched down.

"Do not be afraid little one" said a voice, Luna. She was the medicine wolf before me, she came from the Moonshire pack however.

"Luna!" I whispered, happy to see my old teacher. I was about to run out to her, but she held up a paw for me to stay put. I sat down, and suddenly everything swirled around me.


I was on my back looking up at the sky when a pair of blue eyes appeared. The eyes matched the sky blue, I could tell they were wolves eyes though I didn't know who it was. They looked old and wise, but I knew it was a young wolf. I stared up at the sky blue eyes, that held wisdom. They met my eyes and vanished slighty, darkening a bit. I didn't want the wise, looking eyes to go away. But sudenly darkness crept over. I could hear snarling of a dominant wolf and whimpers of a submissive wolf from above. The darkness took over and I found two selfish, mean, dark brown eyes starring down at me. They weren't bright or wise looking at all. All the sudden muzzle appeared below the dark eyes and snarled at me showing sharp teeth. A strong blast of wind hit my. I howled fearfully, and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again the dark eyes were gone, and were again the sky blue eyes of another wolf. Next to the sky blue eyes were another pair of eyes, they were green. They looked happy, yet troubled. The green eyes and the blue eyes were slowly moving apart from each other, and as this happened the dark eyes appeared between them. I still couldn't see who the eyes belonged to, it was a mystery. 

I foudn myself standing at the pool of water, the vision, the fog, and Luna had disappeared. The vision wasn't very clear, but I had a good idea what it meant. There was a darkness and a brightness in the pack. The darkness would combetween the two wolves with the blue eyes and the green eyes. I just wish I knew who because Brown, Poppy, and Ryder have brown eyes. Jinx and Venom have green eyes and I have blue eyes. Though I doubt the vision has anything to do with me. I drifted on the wooden board back to shore. I was debating on wheather or not to tell Jinx about this. I'd have to wait until the Alpha meeting, see about it. Untill then I promise I won't forget about the prophechy.

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