"Because I battle, Riko. Why can't you practice with Jori?"

 "I don't even know where to start, though. I've never trained a day in my life and I don't want to be unprepared for when I enter the Contest. I don't want to let Jori down."

 Rhine shrugged her shoulders. "That's not my issue. Maybe if you had made an effort to stay close with me then I'd be willing to help you, but you didn't and therefore I have no obligation to train you."

 She didn't have to peer at him to know how perplexed he was. Riko ran up beside her.

 "But Rhine, I-"

 "Good luck with your Contest. Just stand there and look pretty and you'll be fine."

 Riko stopped, and Rhine took the opportunity to distance herself from him. Her last statement had come out more venomous than intended, but she didn't bother to take it back. She meant every word.

 He should've thought about this two years ago, she thought angrily. I owe him nothing.


 Rhine was awoken by the low, creaking sound of the door opening.

 It was late at night on the same day she had argued with Riko, and all the other Pokémon were asleep. The glow from the moon filtered in through the windows positioned near the roof, providing a bit of light in the darkness. 

 Rhine shifted her head slightly as she picked up on two pairs of footsteps. She furrowed her eyebrows confusedly. It wasn't visiting hours, so she didn't understand why there were people entering. It couldn't be the farmer or Jori -- they were always in bed early. 

 The Ninetales pretended to be asleep as the figures passed in front of her pen. She opened her eyes just barely. They appeared to be two men dressed in all black. One was very tall while the other was of average height, and they both had backpacks slug over their shoulders. She watched warily as they veered off to the right, sneaking towards a pen on the opposite side of her own and a few down. That's when it hit her.

 They were headed towards Riko.

 Rhine silently got to her feet so as to not draw attention to herself. She padded up to the gate that locked her in and gazed through the chain link. Uneasiness blossomed in her stomach at the sight of the men who had no idea she was observing their every move. She had never seen them before, and their actions were highly suspicious.

 Her hackles raised as the tall guy produced a large bag from his pack and the other carefully slid the lock to Riko's gate aside. The one with the bag stepped inside and, while the female couldn't see her brother from the angle she was at, she knew he was still clueless and asleep.

 So she jumped into action for him.

 Rhine launched herself over the fence and landed in the middle of the aisle. She snarled and bared her teeth, causing the men to jump and turn to her with wide eyes. Then she let loose a loud howl that sent the barn into chaos. 

 She saw Riko sit bolt upright from the sudden noise. The man with the sack took advantage of his disoriented state and lunged, throwing the bag over the rare Ninetales' head as he flailed weakly. The other Pokémon in the surrounding pens had woken up and were causing a ruckus of barks, howls, and calls, but Rhine's crimson eyes were only focused on those attempting to take her sibling.

 Rhine raced forward. She knocked the first human that stood outside of the pen roughly, threatening him with the flames that lapped out of her mouth. He scrambled back with a gasp, not interfering further as the Pokémon made her way into Riko's area. 

 The male Ninetales was barely struggling as the guy tried to force his entire body into a rather small bag. Rhine snarled again. Heat radiated off her body, and her tails stuck out in all directions. The criminal froze at the sight of her, allowing Riko to wriggle out of his grip and scamper behind his sister.

 It only took one powerful swipe of her tails to send the intruder flying into the wall across from them. She approached, claws out and teeth ready as she set a paw on his chest to hold him down. By that time every Pokémon in the general vicinity was going absolutely crazy trying to break out or flee. She gave the other human a glare when he sat upright. Seeing what position his companion was in seemed to render whatever attempt of escape that was in his mind useless.

 Rhine didn't have to wait too long for the facility doors to slam open, and a few moments after the farmer and Jori appeared. The young Trainer gasped at the sight of the two men and ran to the quivering Riko's side. The older man looked back and forth between the criminals before his eyes fell on the Ninetales holding one of them down. Even though Rhine had never been close to him, they still exchanged knowing glances. He nodded.

 "I'll call the police," he said, immediately turning and running back the way he had came, leaving Rhine to watch over the situation.


 The police arrived about fifteen minutes later. Rhine took her weight off the man and stepped back as uniformed officers rushed the pen and handcuffed the pair. She watched as they were led away, their heads bent towards the ground. An authoritative woman approached the property owner, Jori, and the two Ninetales shortly after the men had departed. She turned to the farmer.

 "It appears as if those thugs broke the lock on the door and came for your rare Ninetales. They'll be questioned for further information, so we'll get back to you when we have more details." The lady looked over at Rhine and winked. "One thing's for sure though, if that one hadn't subdued them things could've been very different."

 "I understand. Thank you for everything, officer," he replied.

 The woman bowed and marched away. Riko was still shaking in Jori's lap, his face buried in her shirt. The girl stroked him soothingly.

 "It's okay, boy, you're so strong. I won't let anyone scare you ever again," she cooed.

 Her father ran a hand through his hair. "After tonight we'll have Riko sleep in the house with us; we can't risk something like this happening again. But for now, let's head back and let everyone get some sleep." Then, to Rhine's surprise, he came over and patted the top of her head. "Good girl. You did well."

 The female felt her chest swell with pride as the farmer ushered his daughter out of the pen. She watched their retreating backs as they left the building. The surrounding Pokémon began to settle down, and a blanket of quiet slowly descended upon them.

 Rhine got to her feet and made for the gate of her brother's pen, eager to rest after the event that had just taken place. Yet just as she was about to leave, she heard Riko start to speak in a hushed tone, making her halt.

 "Rhine, thank you for what you did. I really-"

 "That was absolutely pathetic."

 She could almost picture the confusion on his face. "What?"

 The regular Ninetales cast a seering glance over her shoulder. "You didn't even attempt to fight back. You just let it happen."

 Riko's expression turned downcast, and he set his gaze on the floor.

 "I'm sorry, Rhine. It won't happen again."

 "You're right, because if someone ever tries that a second time, you'll be prepared."

 He looked up with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

 "I'll train you, but only for self-defense. I won't be protecting you again." Rhine walked away. "We start in the morning."

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