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The next morning after planning everything out, I set myself to do one of the hardest things in my life. I drove over to his place and knocked on his door. Normally I would just go inside but it didn't feel appropriate for right now.

With a few seconds passing, he stood in front of me looking cheery as ever. Just like himself. His bright smile lit up, and his blue eyes glowed with sparkles. He was so beautiful.

"Mia!" He reached out to me but I backed away.

"Niall," I stopped backing away and looked at him straight in the eye.

"Is something wrong? You don't look too well..."

"I'm fine," I replied. "Look, we need to talk."

"Uh, okay. Come inside," he said leaving the door entrance open.

"I-I rather talk somewhere more public if you don't mind." He gave me an odd look but I just looked at my hands.

"Okay, let me just get my jacket," he walked into his home and snatched the black leather jacket. After that, we walked down a block to a familiar coffee shop. I remember coming here late at night for a donut or some cake. The memories of those days just made the situation worse than it already is. But what can I do now?

We sat down on a table and he asked if I wanted anything. I shook my head but thanked him for the offer. With that, he sat back down.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?"

I struggled to talk just by looking at him. How could I lie to him? I love him.

'Remember Mia. It's all for your mother.'

My subconscious shouted but I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I was about to do. He didn't deserve it, heck no one did. But... it needs to be done.

"Niall, I've been thinking about... us. I feel that, we should stop what we have between us," I said pulling the skin on my thigh under the table. His once bright smile faded, and was replaced with a frown. His brows furrowed in confusion and his eyes just fell.

"W-what?" His voice cracked barely audible to me.

"I just think it'd be better for us to end things. We both have busy lives and I-"

"Busy lives? Are you kidding me, Mia? We've been together for almost two years and now you think we're too busy to be together? This is completely absurd!" He shouted making people turn their heads in our direction.

"Please quiet down. You're making a scene," I pleaded ignoring the eyes on us.

"Well I wouldn't have if you weren't acting so selfishly!"

I gasped, grabbing his arm and taking him outside of the shop.

"Selfishly? My mother is sick, Niall! Things aren't the best right now for my family and the last thing I want to do is bombard you with my problems," I said looking straight up at him. "I just... need to clear some things up. Please, understand."

All he did was stand there, pain filling his eyes as he looked in my way. They were so broken, just how I am in the inside.

"I'm not saying we're completely over, Niall. Maybe in the future we could work something out," I lied. "Just give me time to figure this stuff out. Please, Niall."

"Okay," he said after a few seconds of pure eye contact. I thought of hugging him, and when I did, I felt the tears threaten to come out any moment. Just being in his arms made me weak. I felt that the more time I felt his affection, the more likely I would collapse. Without another thought, I released my arms around him but when I pulled back; his arms were still firmly on me. He held me tightly like I was the only thing that mattered.

"I don't know what's really rooming your mind, Mia. But whatever it is, I just want you to know you'll always have me. My heart and soul are completely yours. You're the only woman I've ever truly loved and I'm willing to wait for you. Even if it's a few months or years, I'll be here waiting for you. Forever and always my love."

We faced each other, tears running down my eyes. His eyes mournful and filled with sorrow. The only thought I had was to kiss him, and so I did. He kissed back, a passionate emotional kiss. His soft yet rough hands grazed my face softly, bringing me as close as possible to him. I wanted- needed him one more last time, but it was far too late.

"I'm sorry," I whispered on his lips before getting my hands off and turning on my heels.

I never turned back from there.

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