When he gets jealous

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You and Jeff where walking in the mall looking for a weapons store to get some new knifes. when you go into one, there was a whole section for just knifes. you head to them and you and Jeff split up. you where admiring the knifes and you see a guy who looked like he'd ident know what knife to get. so you walk over to him and say "I prefer the one to your right. it is one of the sharpest knifes in the world" smiling and picking it up. he smiles and gentlest takes it from your hand. "thank you. can I have a name and number beautiful" he said winking at you. you where about to say you had a boyfriend but Jeff said "get away from my girlfriend or you will go. to. sleep." and as soon as the guy sees Jeff, he ran.


You had decided to help slender stalk his victims, so you watch the first person you see holding one of the pages. Why you where stalking him, he felt your presence, so he started to run. he was pretty fast, so it coursed you to trip and fall in front of him. he stops and said "are you ok?" you smile and nod. he holds out his hand to help you up, and you take it. then you say "I'm ok but you won't be" he looks confused, but slenderman appears behind him and rips him in half. "jealous?" you say. he makes a sad 'face' and nods.


You wanted to get Toby a new hatchet, so you go to a hardware store. as soon as you walk in, a lot of the guys where staring at you because you where really pretty. (And trust me, you are all beautiful in your own way c:) when you go over to where the hatchets and axes where, one of the workers come up and say "what is a girl like you looking at hatchets for?" you say back "my boyfriend is working on something and he needs a hatchet." he looks pervertedly at you and said "how about you ditch him and hang out with me?" you where about to punch him, but Toby said "because her boyfriend kills people who decide they want to fleet with her" and cuts his head off with his hatchet. you grab one of the hatchets and you and Toby run away.


You where looking through the game store to look for a Pokemon game you Did not have. when you couldn't find one, you walk home sad. on the way there, you see a Pokemon red game in the middle of the street. you pick it up and run the rest of the way home so you could play it. why you where playing it, it started to glitch up. then someone who looked like red came out and said "hey hot stuff. wanna be my girl?" you look shocked and scream. silver runs in and said "red, stay away from my girlfriend or I will personally kill you with my own hands!!!" red goes away and you say "silver, you didn't shutter!!!" he nods and said "I d-do that when I am m-mad" you hug him and you cuddle all night.


Sonic was out with some of his other friends and you wanted to take a walk in the park. so you did even tho thee where warnings not to go out at night alone because there where sightings of Jeff the killer (>-<). But a killer didn't scare you. you where dating one. but it did scare you knowing you where being watched and you where the only one out. you saw Jeff out of the corner of
Your eye stalking you. so you stop and grab the knife in your pocket. he comes to you and said "are you scared of something? hahahaha!!!!" and you pull the knife fully out and say "no I was just seeing if you where going to attack me." He smiles. like a real smile. it scares you... "now why would I hurt a beautiful girl like you? but I could help you be more beautiful!" you shake your head and say "I have a boyfriend and he can kill you in one second Jeffrey." he looks angry and said "who is it then? I can take any human down!!!!" you wait for a minute and say "sonic. sonic.exe." he looks kinda scared and said "where is he then?" you look behind him and sonic said "I'm right behind you. now run before I tell slenderman you are trying to steal my girlfriend." and Jeff ran. how sweet your boyfriend can be!!!


Eyeless had taken you to a fancy restaurant that sold really rare steak. that gave him a chance to bring in kidneys. when the waiter came, he said "what can I get you my lady?" and you look at the menu. "can I have (f/f) please?" He nods and said "what will he have?" completely ignoring jack. jack asks for nothing and the waiter said "I will go get that for you my lady. can I have your name and number by any chance?" you smile and say "my name is (fake name) and my number is 113-my boyfriend is going to kick your ass." as soon as you said that, eyeless gets up and drags him outside. you casually eat your food as people start to hear the screaming. when ej comes back, covered in blood, you take his hand and walk out like nothing happened.


You, masky, hoody, and (h/g/f) (hoody's girlfriend) are at the slender mansion eating cheesecake. masky and hoody had to do something for slender, so you and (h/g/f) where talking in the kitchen. Then The rake and Liu walk in. "hey ladys" rake said. "hi" you both say. Liu started to flirt with you and the rake was flirting with h/g/f. you both where bored and masky and hoody walk in. masky punches Liu and hoody kicks the rake. they where fighting and as soon as Liu and the rake walked away, masky and hoody said "stay away from my girlfriend" and evryone hugged who they where dating.


Read maskys


BEN decided to take you into majora's mask. it was so much fun!!! you got to watch link and dark link fight too! it was so beautiful there. but then BEN disappeared so you looked around for him as confused as ever. you where looking around clock town for BEN and you think you see him. so you tap his shoulder just in case. but it was link. "yes?" he said looking at you. "I'm looking for someone who looks like you. have you seen him?" you say trying not to fangirl. "are you talking about dark link?" he said making a nervous face. "no his name is BEN. he brought me into this world and I can't get out without him" you say. he laughs and says "sorry I haven't seen him. I can help you find him" he said. you nod and say "thank you" after talking with link and looking for BEN, you start to look closer and you see the elegy of emptiness statue with red eyes. Link looks nervous and you say "I think I found him" and go over to the statue. it turns back into BEN and he says "never taking you here again" taking you out of the game.
This scenario idea was brought to you by animerulz213945. Thank you and

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