My mind drifts off. I hope Elle and Mikey are getting along. Mikey’s one of those people where you either click straight away or you just... don’t. When I left them though, they were chatting like they’d known each other forever.

Elle’s really nice. I can already tell. Sometimes I can just tell whether a person’s nice, or if they’re horrible on the inside. I like Elle though, because I can tell she’s really nice. But she seems like she has a hidden controversy. Depth.

I need to stop doing this; drifting off into oblivion. My teachers say if I don’t stop it will start to affect my grades.

I drop my sketchpad onto my bed and switch on my stereo. ‘Jack The Ripper’ by Morrissey comes on. I flop back onto the bed. I love this song, but maybe if it was a bit more... rockier? Faster, with more drums and guitars. I dare say, but that would be better. Ha! Better than Morrissey?! There must be something wrong with me! His lyrics are so somber, like they should sound depressing, but they just... don't. I don't know what England is like - I've never been out of the country - but I really want to go. Some amazing music has come from there (The Smiths, Iron Maiden etc) and it sound like a really inspirational place. (AN:It's not, trust me. I can't wait to get out!)

I pick up the sketchpad to try and dislodge that train of thought, and it works.

The picture I unwittingly drew is a picture of Elle. It was of when she was walking out the door towards us before. I remember thinking that she looked like she was daydreaming, or lost in another world. I remember thinking, ‘She would be an amazing model to draw...’ She is, even from memory. Although, I haven’t got her eyes right. I’ve drawn them too small, I think. I’ll just have to wait until I see her next to memorise her face. Luckily, that next time will be at dinner.

Right now though, I’ll just lose myself in the music.

Elle's POV:

Mikey's tour is hilarious! He's taking me to each room - except the kitchen - and pointing out 'important' things, like that picture of him and Gerard when they were babies; adorable!

Now we're heading upstairs, and Mikey wants to show me his Bass.

The Way's house has the exact same layout as ours, meaning my room would be... That door at the end, covered in band stickers, with the sound of humming emanating from it.

"Mikey, is that Gerard's room?"

Mikey nods. "Do you wanna go in?" There's an evil smile plastered on his usually-pouty mouth.

"But, didn't he say no one could go in?"

"Yes. And your point is?"

I joined in with the evil smiling.

"Nothing! Lets go!"

I'm pulled back before I can take two steps.

"Wait! We have to surprise him! He won't let us in if we knock. So lets just burst in on him."

"But Mikes. He could be doing anything!"

"Well, you'll just have to be willing to take that risk then won't you!"

What have I got to lose? My innocence, that's what! If Gee's jacking off in there I swear I'll never be able to look him in the eye ever again! But I really want to see his room so...


There's that evil smile again.

"Okay, Three-two-one!"

We push Gee's door open and I hear a yell.

Gee's scrambles about on his bed - oh god - and he throws something off it just before Mikey jumps on top off him.

An MCR fanfic (which I need help for a name!)Where stories live. Discover now