2: Mornings

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Every morning I wake up on my bed but, that's not where I first "fell asleep". When the sun peeks over the horizon, and a new dawn hits, I have a bad tendency of passing out. My father would have already driven my bike home and he would come back for me, hop on his bike, with me on his lap, carry me up to my room and wait for me to wake up to get ready for school. I personally have no memory of him carrying me, for obvious reasons, but I always know what happened due to him telling me about it countless times. And when he does, I always thank him.

"Julia! Get your ass out of bed!" I slowly opened my eyes and they landed on my alarm clock that was annoyingly going off. It was eight o'clock, my school started at eight thirty.

"S**t..." I mumbled, pushing myself up then grabbing my clothes, rushing to the upstairs bathroom.

I accidentally slammed the door and I cringed a little. Even after sixteen years, I still wasn't used to my more than average strength.

I threw my pajamas off and slid my jeans on, hopping a little and almost slipping. I pulled my tank top on and looked into the mirror while I brushed my teeth. My hair was a blonde bombshell for sure. I spat into the sink and looked back into the mirror. Flashes of memories threatened to arise as a few sparks of fire were visible in my eyes. After noticing my own staring I shook it off and grabbed my hairbrush, going to work on my long hair.

I threw my puffy hair up into a high ponytail and rushed out of the bathroom, sliding down the stairway railing.

"Be careful May." My dad warned. I smirked a little and kissed his cheek.

"Love you too dad." He still insists on calling me by my middle name. Don't know why, but I have no chance of stopping him.

I stole his toast and went out the door, adjusting my leather jacket as I walked.

While grasping the dry toast with my teeth, I zipped up my jacket and hopped to fix my boots. I yanked at the large pole barn door and with a creak, it opened.

My bike waited in the middle for me, right beside my dad's. I swung my leg over the saddle and adjusted my gloves. If I didn't wear these gloves, people would get burned. One of the bad parts about having a body temperature two times the normal human.

I slid the helmet over my face and started my bike, revving the engine and smirking. I zoomed out of the barn and headed for the school.

I stopped at the only light that was on my route and put my feet down. Another biker pulled up behind in the lane. He nodded to me and I looked back, politely nodding in return. The light went green and he sped ahead and cut me off, leaving me in his dust. I smirked, sensing the challenge.

"Oh, I see." I chuckled and kicked my feet up, zooming after him. "You have no idea who you're challenging boy," I smirked and easily caught up with him. I saluted to him as I zoomed past and he flipped me off in return. I watched my rearview mirror and saw him falling behind. While distracted, I had almost missed the turn for the school parking lot and the turn ended up being pretty sharp. My tires screeched beneath me. Once I managed to straighten myself out, I looked up to see a male figure standing a few feet in front of me. "Whoa!" I slammed on the brake and my back wheel popped up off of the asphalt and his face was inches from my helmet visor for a moment. When the back of my bike slammed onto the asphalt I nervously chuckled. "Hey Principal Cody..." I took my helmet off and looked him in the eyes.

"My office, now."

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