When You First Meet

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Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)


    You were at the store, getting small snack items for the personal movie night you were gonna have with yourself. You had just gotten outta work, you were one of the very few women that worked under best jeanist. You're quirk was creation, except you could only make clothing. You helped a lot during natural disasters which is why you got noticed easily as a rescue hero. 
     You had just finished a week long job and were gonna do nothing but sit on the couch, shut yourself from the outside world, eat junkie food and binge movies and series. You walked down an aisle that already had a man there. He had blonde hair and dark bags under his eyes, he wore a green jacket, dark pants and white tank top. A huge scar on his forehead was an eye catcher.
     He seemed on edge, before he reached into his pocket aggressively searching for something. This startled you at first before you noticed he was breathing heavily and shaking as he threw his hands over his face. He started to make noises of distress before falling on his knees and yelling. You dropped all your things and ran beside him, "Shit sir! Hey, hey, you alright?!" You yelled to him as his panicked seemed to get worse. "I need...fuck...I need a mask! I'm...it hurts!" He begged and yelled, one hand clawing at his face while the other did the same to your shirt.
     You reached over towards your arm as it glowed and pulled the mask like fabric from the glowing area. The man cried and yelled as you did so, you pulled the mask over his face. His screams ceased, but he continued to breath heavily still holding into you desperately. The clerk was now approving you, "everything alright here?" He asked, clearly shaken up. "Yea...yea... He just had a panic attack." You said quietly, your hand resting on the blonde's back. "Should I call the hospital-" "no!" The blonde exclaimed, "no, I'm fine. Sorry for disrupting you." He said standing up. The clerk nodded and walking back towards the check out. 
     You turned back to the blonde,"you alright?" You whispered towards him. "Yea...I'm okay now...thank you for helping me," he said, "my names Jin Bubaigawara..." You smiled at him, "I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you nodded at him before picking up all the things you dropped. "No problem, you were clearly in distress. I'm glad to have helped," you smiled "oh by the way-." Turning back to ask him something, you saw he was already out the door, leaving.

     Tonight was one of the rare accessions you could go out and enjoy yourself. You were forced into a quirk wedding with an abusive man and he didn't like letting you do anything. He was outta town for the night so you thought you could get away with going to a little bar. You wore a nice white sweater and red pants with black flats. You entered a little and super empty bar, obviously besides a bartender.
     You walked over and sat at the bar, "could I get a sake?" You whispered towards the mist man. He nodded and placed a clear glass in front of you, pouring the alcohol into it before going back to cleaning another glass. You sighed, closed eyes and sipped on the strong liquid. "Not a busy night?" You asked the mist man, looking up at him. "Well, its a Wednesday and yea its usually not to busy," he said and placed the clean glass on the shelf.
     You blushed and scratched the back of your head, "oh...yea, its the only night I'll be able to get out so...yea." You stuttered and laughed slightly. "Oh? Why is that?" He asked tilted his head. "Oh!...um...uh...I get super busy with work and such." You made up a lame excuse as your husband's angry face popped in your mind. He seemed to buy it though. "So what's your name?" You asked him, "Kurogiri, and yours, dear?" He replied. "(Y/n)(l/n)," you smiled at him.
     You and Kurogiri talked for a while, you crack small jokes with him and just talk about small things. As you talked you noticed something drip down your chin and onto your chest. You were talking so much your busted lip cracked open and was now bleeding all over your white sweater. "Shit!" You hissed and cupped your hand under your chin to stop the blood. Kurogiri jumped slightly and leaned over the counter, he cupped your face with one hand and pushed the rag he was holding again your lip.
     "I'm so sorry, haha, I talked so much my lip split back open," you muffled, chuckling slightly. "Well, be more careful with it," he whispered. He held the towel to your lip and made sure it stopped bleeding before he pulled away and throw the towel in the sink. "Thank you," you said blushing slightly before looking at the clock, realizing how late of was getting. "Damn, well," you pulled out some money placing it on the counter before getting up, "it was nice meeting you again." You sighed before leaving.

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