Chapter 2

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I thought to myself and looked at them. "Does anyone here know where there is a huge power source?" Sky nodded and pointed toward the Ferris Wheel. I nodded and walked to the Ride and hooked up the wire and walked the wire down to where they are "So who want's to go first?" I asked and looked around. Then a guy in a Bacca Suit stepped forward and said "I will" I smiled and nodded "Good to know that you guys actually talk" I said with a slight chuckle I look around and got the body that went with his and said "You guys might want to back up" They nodded and backed away I walked to the ride and turned on the power. I saw the electric go through the wire and it shocked the robot and the body when I turned it off I walked back and saw that the robot fell over.

 I then hear a groan and looked to see that it worked!. I smile and he smiles at me and runs up to give me a hug, I hug back knowing that I actually helped someone. After about 15 minutes all of them were back in their own bodies "So may I know your names?" I ask with a chuckle "Oh yea sorry about that I'm Adam or also known as Sky that's Ty, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Ian, Seto, Quinten, and Brice." He said with a laugh I smile and say "I'm Natalie it's nice to meet you guys". They all smile and laugh when I heard a voice "Hey Natalie how is the place?" He says walking in he stops and looks at all of them with a furious glare "How did you guys get back I thought I killed you guys 2 years ago" he says with a furious glare. "I put them back in like a good person would do" I said and stepped out "You" He says with a death glare "I thought I could trust you and not mess anything up that's the only reason why I hired you" I gasp and step back "Hey leave her alone it's not her fault that you're a monster" Adam says behind me and glares at Mr.Scott. I step behind and all of them and whisper into Adam's ear "keep him distracted while I call the cops" he nods and keeps talking.

I call the police and tell them about what is going on and they say they will be there in a few minutes. I put my phone in my pocket and sneak around and went behind one of the cotton candy machines and got my taser out. I took a deep breath and ran toward him and hit his neck with the back of the taser he fell down with a thud. The guys cheered and high fived each other. When the police got there they took him to jail one of the officers looked at the guys and was amazed "How did you guys come back? Or where did you go? Or... I don't even know anymore" He says while stuttering. They laugh and shake their head "It's a long story" Adam says with a smile he turns to me and hugs me "Thank you so much, Natalie, for saving us how can we ever repay you?" He says with tears in his eyes. I smile and wipe away his tears "No need to repay me, Adam, I'm glad I saved you guys" I say and hug him back. He smiles and puts me on his shoulders and runs towards the guys "So what now?" Ty asks while turning towards us I smile.

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