Chapter 10 - The Expiration Date

Start from the beginning

"What?", he asked. It seemed like he was unable to say anything else and he started to walk faster. 

"We're on the run", Mason replied with a smirk. I sighed at his behavior before stopping. Nolan had led us to a big, yellow house. He led us all to the front door and let us in. The hall was paited white with wooden floor.

"Jenny, honey, we have guests!" A woman emerged from an opening. She was wearing an apron which made me guess that she had been in the kitchen.

"Jonas! Phoenix! Mason? What are you all doing here?", asked the woman happily. She ran up to us and gave each guy a hug, even Phoenix brother which she hadn't mentioned.

"And who are you girls?", asked Jenny. I smiled and introdueced us. Nolan and Jenny led us to the livingroom and we all sit down. After we explain what's happened they told us who they were. Apparently Nolan was the friend that Phoenix had once told me about. They all seemed happy but I thought that the guys had told me once that Nolan had left while they were fighting. Maybe I remembered wrong.

"You guys are allowed to stay if you need a place to hide", said Jenny with concerned eyes. We smiled and Jonas agreed. I didn't look at him as he spoke and after the words had been said we were all quite. I looked down on the ground and focused on not looking at Jonas. I really didn't want to meet his eyes.

"Hey Jordan, could I talk to you for a minute." I looked up and saw Jenny looking at me. I got up from the couch and she walked me outside. We sat down on a bench and she looked at me with a small smile.

"I see that you and Jonas have some problems, want to talk about it?", she asked me with a smile. I smiled back sadly and nodded.

"We had a fight and it was totally my fault. I was feeling really weird and then he came and I was just mad and I just acted really weird. Even if I know that it's my fault I just can't get myself to apologize to him. The feeling just gets worse". I had looked down and when I looked up again I saw that her eyes had turned huge. 

"Are you and Jonas mates?", she asked carefully. I frowned confused at her. 

"What? Why are-", I didn't get farther before she interupted me. 

"Are you mates? Just answer me!" She looked serious and it got me worried. 

"No, why?", I asked her. She took ahold of my hand. 

"You can't be with him. If he isn't your mate then that feeling will just get worse until you will feel so mad and then you will start hating him. There is nothing you can do to stop it. The faster you brake up with him the faster that feeling will leave you." I felt myself freeze. I started to feel a pain in my chest and I could feel a lump forming in my throath. 

"Is there nothing we can do to stop it from happening? Is everything ruined?", I asked silently. She looked at me with a smile that reeked of sympathy. 

"I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do. That's the way it works. I can tell you one thing though, you have met him." That only got me to pale even more. If I had met him then why didn't I know who he was? Why couldn't I tell that it was him? Suddenly Jonas comes out and walks up to us.

"Nolan said that he wanted to talk to you", Jonas told her. She gave me a nod before walking back inside. When she had left, Jonas and I just stood there without saying a word. He turned around and started to walk back but I stoped him at the last second. 

"Jonas! We have to talk", I said just as he started to walk up the porch. He turned around and slowly got back to me. He didn't say anything and neither did I at first.

"Jenny told me something and I don't know what to make of it", I started. I couldn't meet his eyes and it was hard breathing.

"Why do you need to tell me this?", he asked harshly. I cleared my throath and tried to look up at him though I failed.

"The reason that I was acting so weird before was because I had this feeling. Jenny asked me if we were mates and when I told her that we weren't she told me the thing. She told me that because we aren't mates I will get this feeling and it will only get worse. In the end I might-", I stoped, unable to finish the sentence. Every word hurt to hurt to say and I wished that I could just look at him but it was impossible.  

"You might what?", he asked me. He didn't sound mad anymore, he sounded sad and confused. I took a deep breath and finally looked up to meet his eyes. Just seeing the cofusion in them made me want to cry.

"I might end up hating you", I whispered. My breth was uneven and I could feel the tears in my eyes. It looked like something inside Jonas broke.

"But we can get through it!", he said determined. I had to hold the tears in as I heard the fear in his voice.

"We can't control it Jonas, it's impossible. I don't know what to do but I don't want to hate you. I can't stand just thinking that one day I might wake up and hate you. I can't do that, Jonas. I can't stand thinking about it", I spoke desperatly. He looked both sad and mad. I didn't know what to do and when he grabbed my arms I felt the tears fall from my eyes.

"How can you say that? How can you just give up? Don't you think that we're worth fighting for?", he asked fiercly. I cried openly and shook my head. My heart broke and I didn't even notice that the feeling was gone. It was like it aproved of me breaking up with him and because of that, everyhting was okay.

"Jonas, I-I can't- I just", before I could finish the sentence the porchdoor opened and I ripped myself pout of Jonas grip. I turned away from the door and dried away my tears.

"Are you guys okay?", I heard Phoenix asking. I took a few deep breaths before turning around and facing him.

"Everythings okay", I told him even though anyone could of told that it wasn't. "What did you want?", I asked him.

"He seemed kind of uncomfortable and quickly got into why he came.

"We've got the money and we're leaving. Figured it was best to get out of here as soon as possible", he told us and without a word Jonas walked past him back inside. After a while of silence I started to walk back myself. Before I could walk past Phoenix he stoped me by grabbing my lower arm.

"Whatever it is, it will be okay. You guys will fix this", he told me and I smiled sadly up at him. He had no idea.

"This time we wont", I said and then walked back inside. We all said ou goodbyes to Nolan and Jenny. She smiled sadly at me but I wouldn't meet her eyes. I knew that it wasn't her fault but I couldn't help but feel like if she hadn't said anyhting I would of been happy. When we got back outside, our group divided into two cars. I was thankfully not in Jonas car. When we drove of I turned out the others and cried silently by myself. No one asked anything and I didn't tell them. I had just ruined my own life because of that stupid mate-thing. As we drove away I couldn't help but feel that I wished that I had never should have come to the damn school in the first place. 

A/N: Whoop whoop longer chapter!!!!!

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