Chapter 11 - The Plan

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Chapter 11 - The Plan

Jordan's POV

We were all driving. We didn't know where to go so we just drove and kept to the road. I sat in the backseat. We'd been driving for nine hours. I hadn't moved my eyes away from the window and tears had fallen from my eyes at least half of the town. I was in the same car as Phoenix and Summer. They were both chatting and I felt their eyes drifting to me a lot. My thoughts were only on other things. Both of them knew that something was wrong, the others probably knew too. I didn't know what they were thinking but I alson didn't care. I was in a low mood and nothing could get me to feel better. I didn't listen to what they were saying so when we stoped by the side of the road I was confused. 

"Come on, we need to plan where we're going", said Summer. I got out of the car but not before drying of the tears. When I got out I saw the others also standing outside. I avoided Jonas eyes and felt him doing the same. The others seemed to get that something was wrong with us but nobody commented on it.

"I think we should head out of the country", I said hoarsly. I had thought about it in the car, when I hadn't been crying. It was the smartest for us to do since it would mean it would be harder for people to find us.

"But to where?", Phoenix asked. I didn't say anything and to my surprise it was Jack who spoke.

"We could just go to the nearest airport and get tickets to the next flight leaving", he said and I had to admit that it was a good plan since it wouldn't be a special place then. There wouldn't be anything to connect us with.

"Okay, let's do that", Mason said before we all headed back inside the cars. I got back to my spot but to my surprise Summer also got inside the backseat.

"Okay, what's up?", she asked bluntly. I sighed and told her what had happened. I knew that Phoenix was also listening even if he tried to look like he wasn't. Summer just nodded and let me finish telling her everything.

"Well, then there's nothing you could do and sitting back here crying wont do you any good. I say, you try to focus on something else and then you can slowly get over this. I say, you focus on us escaping safetly", she told me. I dragged my hands over my face and through my hair before finally agreeing.

"Okay, sure. What should I do?", I asked her. She gave me a brilliant smile before telling me to check out for where to turn. It took half an hour before we could get to the airport. When we got there we all gathered our things and walked in together. As it turned out the next plane was full and so was the one after that. The plane after that was going to Los Angeles so we weren't taking that one. The one that left after that left three hours from then but we booked it. The plane was going to Paris and I almost had a heartattack because of what it would cost us. Phoenix on the other hand paid without blinking. After getting through security and getting through everything we still had two hours to kill.

"Is there anywhere where we could book a hotell?", I asked the woman behind the information disk. She had a huge fake smile on that scared me a bit.

"I could help you with that", she told me brightly. I smiled politely back before telling her that we needed a hotel in Paris and that we were six people.

"I could book you on one that is a penthouse but it is quite expensive", she told me while looking on a computerscreen. I turned around and called Phoenix over.

"What would it cost?", I asked her. Once again I was totally freaked out by the number while Phoenix just happily told her to book it.

"How could you have that much money?", I asked him astonsihed as we headed back to the group. He grinned at me.

"Well you know, I'm just that awesome." The two hours that past after that were so awkward that I almost felt like screaming. Jonas and I weren't talking, the others acted awkward because of the fact that we weren't talking. When they finally anounced that the gate was open we all almost ran there. As it turned out we were all spread out on the plane and no one was sitting next to eachother. It wasn't bothering me even though I had nothing else that I could do on the plane that would take a little over ten hours. For the first two hours I tried to keep myself bussy with reading the same plane-magzine over and over again while sipping on some tea that Phoenix payed for. After my fourth cup Phoenix scolded me and told me to relax. Funny enough that was exactly what I did and it got me to fall asleep. I got woken up seven hours later by the man sitting next to me because he needed to head to the bathroom. I groggily moved so that he could get out and after he got back I got another cup of tea. This time Phoenix just shot me a look but without saying anything. The plane landed bumpily and when we got out I felt happy to finally getting to stretch my legs and breath some fresh air. We walked past all security and the without problem, thankfully, and made our way out of the airport. We had a hard time getting a taxi because of all the people and I cussed out a few Americans for steeling our taxi. When we finally got one we all fit inside one. Mason was the one who saved us from having a hard time with the driver who didn't speak english. Apparently Mason had taken lessons in French and spoke it pretty darn well.

"Wow, this looks amazing!", Summer commented as we started to drive down the road.

"Let's just hope that it doesn't turn out like New York", I said with a sigh.

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