Fate Insight

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Chapter 3

Monday morning arrived, and Dillon waited intently in his beat-up Jeep for the doors of Perpetual Industries to open to the public. Of course, the lot was full of high-profile individuals and their entourages already. Even the media heathens were stalking the place like vultures, capturing glances of out-of-country business men, lawmakers, and ambassadors to God-knows-where. None of it mattered however as Dillon's right-hand man, Vera, had secured the first spot on list of meetings. Vera was a master hacker and mad-genius when Dillon needed him to be. And for Dillon, Levi Eliphas was the first of many names on his list that he needed to observe intimately. People in high places of power had to be verified for their integrity.

After gaining entry amongst the overpopulation of security teams protecting celebrity personages, the receptionist read from a clipboard, "Mr. Salvator?" Dillon stood up and walked to the receptionist. He could hear behind him the moans and groans of sweaty and arrogant men waiting for their chance to cash in on Levi Eliphas' miracle.

"That's me," Dillon said, as he offered his personal ID to prove that he was who he said he was. The reception looked the ID over as well as Dillon himself in his clean-cut business attire.

"Right this way, sir," she said, handing back his ID, and leading him to the security checkpoint. He removed all metal items from his body – a watch, a belt, and his briefcase – then placed all his items on the conveyor belt to be screened by X-ray. As he proceeded through the metal detector, he feared his briefcase might exposed for the pistol hidden inside. He hoped that Vera's newly developed cloaking screen would work. The security guarded patted him over, finding no danger. Now, he had to hope his briefcase would make the cut. Moments later, a green light illuminated on the top of the scanner.

"All clear," the main security officer said. Dillon grabbed his briefcase and followed the officer to the main elevator. They rode to the top floor, then the security officer led Dillon past the receptionist on that floor and opened the office door for him. Dillon stepped in, and the officer closed the door behind him.

Levi turned in his chair toward Dillon. "Welcome, Mr. Salvator." Levi stood as Dillon came in close and shook his hand. "Please have a seat," Levi said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk. They both sat. "I must admit, Mr. Salvator, I did not expect anyone else besides a politician to be meeting with me first this morning," Levi smiled.

"Sorry to disappoint, Mr. Eliphas," Dillon smiled back, two-facedly.

"Well then, what have you to offer me today, Mr. Salvator?"

"Actually, I work with an independent security firm called, Fate Insight that monitors well-known clients for any hazards they may produce for their customers or implement upon themselves," Dillon explained.

"Interesting. So, you're like a health inspector for the rich guys, huh?" Levi laughed to himself.

"Of the sorts," Dillon chuckled back.

"I'm assuming you've met with Elon Musk, too?" Levi laughed again.

"Yes, I have," Dillon said seriously. Levi ceased laughing. "After releasing his Not-A-Flamethrower, we had to put the public's safety in our sights and make sure the right precautions were in place."

"Of course, I understand. Maybe you should have a chat with our lead scientists then because I'm only the face of this company as you are aware," Levi deflected.

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