I Am Home

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It was Sunday afternoon. Lisa was pacing back and forth inside the recluse of her bedroom. Leo was playing in the bed with the bunny stuffed toy Jennie gave him. All the other members were out. Jisoo and Rosie went out to grab some coffee or something, and maybe they will proceed to the cinema and watch a movie after. They asked her to tag along, but she wasn't really in the mood to do anything.

And Jennie...

"No. I don't want to think about her. Or what she's doing right now. Or who she's with," Lisa muttered to herself. It was the same lame lines that she had been saying, convincing herself, for the last five hours.

"God, Leo! I think I'm going crazy!" she blurted out loudly, pulling her hair with her both hands and kicked her bedroom slippers hard. The fluffy pair flew across the room and one of it landed aimlessly above her bed, a few inches away from Leo.

Leo, the cat, looked at her accusingly, startled but wasn't showing it to Lisa. He then eyed the pair of Lisa's bedroom slippers disdainfully. He was never really good at listening to Lisa's woes, especially if it involved his other favorite person, Jennie.

Leo was looking at Lisa, who was now lying flat on the carpeted floor. Her long arms were spreading above her head, engaging in a beautiful crisscross battle with her long blond hair which was spreading all over the floor in a mess. Her long feet, meanwhile, were widespread limply. Leo thought his Lisa looked a lot like a fallen bird of prey. Disgruntled and defeated. And whenever his Lisa would resolved to lying in the floor like that, Leo would always find a way to not meddle with her problems. Especially if it involved something as complicated as his favorite Lisa being Lisa to his favorite Jennie being, well, Jennie.

So Leo removed his confused gaze away from Lisa and returned to nipping the soft fur of the stuffed bunny. Who, by the way, smelled a lot more like Jennie. Sweet, precious, elegant and exquisite. No wonder why his Lisa loved cuddling his Jennie in the middle of the night. The scent was highly addictive.

"Did she ever tell you where she's going?" Lisa asked irritably. "She didn't even had the courtesy to text me. That girl!"

But Leo did not pay the slightest bit of attention anymore. The stuffed bunny was way more interesting than listening to Lisa's nonsensical whining. "Let Lisa solve her own troubles. If it was trouble, at all," was Leo's mantra, every time his two favorite hooman were being complicated. But it was different when it comes to Jennie, though. Because his Jennie would never resolve to lying on the floor like that.

"You want to know what my problem is, Leo?" Lisa continued. "I really don't get her. At all! One moment she's all mushy and sweet and cuddly and clingy to me. Next thing I know, she's acting cold and distant, and would act like she doesn't know me at all! She would just disappear from my eyesight without so much as a note or anything because she doesn't really care but has the audacity to post something on Instagram!" Lisa ended her long speech with a sigh and turned to Leo. "Do you, Leo? Get her, I mean? Yeah, maybe you do. You like her more than me, anyway," Lisa said bitterly.

And then she heard the main door opened and closed. There were footsteps. The sound of it was fidgety against the vinyled floor and Lisa recognized it at once. She had been listening to the sound of it for the last six years. She knew it by heart. She was home, finally. Jennie.

Lisa wanted to dash towards the door and confront Jennie about her issues. But Jennie wasn't the type who would welcome a confrontation. Jennie never really liked being bombarded with silly questions. Especially if it would involve her going out with somebody else and not telling Lisa about it.

The sound of the footsteps were coming closer, Lisa noticed as she was listening all ears. It wasn't hard to do, especially if it involved Jennie Kim. All her senses would come alive if Jennie was around.

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