Chapter 2

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"So children! Let's introduce our selves!"
The children nodded
"I'm mr Baldi! I'm 25 years old and I'm married!"
"To who?"
A girl asked from the back seat
"I'll tell you later...first of all! Who is a homophobe here?"
3 students raised their hands
All of them were guys
Baldi shot a disappointed look at them
" you all like math?"
All the students except bully AC playtime and player said no
They said yes since they have been in that school for about two years
" old is everyone?"
All of the students answered 18
Player was 11
Playtime was 8
AC was 14
And bully was 15
"Now answer to us! Who are you married to?"
A girl with make up and brown hair asked
"Well...its a bit embarrassing...but I'm married to the principal!"
Half of the class gasped
"You're lying!"
Another girl laughed
"No I am not.."
Baldi put up his hand to show his ring
The class gasped again
"That's probably fake.."
Baldi put his ruler on his desk
"I would like to see you after my office.."
"Y-Yes Mr Baldi.."

Baldi cleared his throat
"So children...mind telling me what is 2 + 2?"
Nobody raised their hand
"Cmon children don't be shy! Just give it your best shot"
A guy raised their hand
Baldi nodded
Baldi clicked his tongue
"Alright let's get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard, Don't be shy"

"I think I know the answer mr Baldi!"
Player said raising their hand
bully said the exact same words but more like a fxcking rxtard
Player threw a b-soda at the bully
Baldi gasped and looked at the bully
"Bully! Did you just say the F word?!"
Baldi stood in front of the bully 'bout to smacc him
Bully shook in his seat
"No he's talking about fxck, you can't say fxck in school  you fxcking fatass"
Player crossed their arms
/why the fxck not?!\
Bully laughed
Playtime frowned
"d⃣u⃣d⃣e⃣! y⃣o⃣u⃣ j⃣u⃣s⃣t⃣ s⃣a⃣i⃣d⃣ f⃣x⃣c⃣k⃣ a⃣g⃣a⃣i⃣n⃣!"
Ac said muffled
Bully stood up
/what's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody! Fxck fxckity fxck fxck fxck!\
Bully stuck his tongue out
Baldi was ready to smack them all
"How would you like to see the school counselor?!"
/how would you like to suck my balls?!"
Everyone gasped
Well everyone except AC cause he saw it coming
Baldi yelled
/I'm sorry I'm sorry, what I said was..\
He pulled out a megaphone out of nowhere
Probably out of his ass— I mean desk
/how would you like to suck my balls, Mr Baldi?\
Baldi smacked the bully right on his head with the ruler
"Holy shxt dude"
Player giggled
Baldi sent them to the principal's office
"Well I must say, I'm very disappointed in you should be ashamed of yourselves...I've already called your mothers..."
The principal said in disbelief
"You called my mom?!"
(End of the scene coz I don't remember the rest and I'm too lazy to go back and watch it :|)
"No not yours player..."
"Player were very disappointed...where did you learn that foul language?!"
Player started sweating
"The bully made me learn them.."
Baldi looked at the bully with a death glare
"Princi...hold me back before I kill this son of an animal..."
The bell rang
How in the world did time pass to 2:30?!
Oh well
Time to go home .3.
Baldi grounded player for the language
And then they all walked back home
To relax and get ready for the next day

My husband is a murderer(Baldi X the principal of the thing)(Princibaldi)Where stories live. Discover now