Chapter 1

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Leigha Luccenzo stoodstock-still in the doorway and gaped at the destruction of her apartment. Sydney.Goddamn her! That woman didn't take no for an answer. She didn't need this after months of family drama. Her anxiety spiked as her heart pounded in her ears. Papers sprayed out all over. The drawers to the end tables were ripped out of their places. God no. The bookshelf once full of her favorite photograph binders, stood vacant, lying in a scrambled heap on the floor. What for?

Her breath shortened and hands trembled. Her fists clenched into tight balls. Metal-framed photos lay askew on the wall. She gasped at the sight of her prized ceramic and glass pig collection scattered all over.

Anger melted to hurt as the chaos blurred through tears brimming in her eyes. More than anyone, her ex-lover had understood Leigha's need for order, for control. How could she? Better yet, why? Was she looking for something? She sucked in her breath to keep her emotions in check. The sight before her pulled on the thread that bound her, nearing its breaking point. The late afternoon light caught the pieces of shattered glass matching her heart at the sight of her home.

She broke out in acold sweat. Her body shook of its own volition. This couldn't be happening. The ghost of violation snuck into her soul again as pieces of her nightmare bled their way back into her life. They threatened to destroy her.She couldn't catch her breath. Heaviness wrapped around her body. Focus. Focus!She had to hold it together.

The path of carnage went from the living room into the back bedroom. Talking her way through it, she convinced herself it was just stuff. Right? So why did it feel like something had been torn from her? She compartmentalized like a champ and would handle this like everything else. This event would have its own little box.

Her need for control snapped back in place like couture armor serving to mask the insecurity underneath. Her soul bristled, wanting to be free of its confined edges. Freedom was a luxury she lost years ago. She couldn't remember when things had changed. As long as she maintained control, nothing could hurt her. A harsh sigh of acceptance left her as she contemplated her reality. Loneliness consumed her, unable to break free of her hemmed in existence.

But defeat was not an option.

She pulled her shoulders back and closed the door, carefully stepping over shattered Waterford vases, broken one-of-a-kind Tiffany lamps, and overturned furniture. With every broken thing, the tear grew. She bent down to pick up one of her precious pigs but stopped short. The scene shouldn't be disturbed. God knows she watched enough crime shows to know the routine.

Her hands shook as she pulled her cell phone from its pocket in her purse. She missed the buttons several times. The need to get a hold of her sister overwhelmed her. Finally, her sister's phone rang.

"It-it's me." She held her palm to her forehead, trying to steady herself.

"What's wrong?" Alarm sounded in Mara's voice.

"Someone broke into my apartment. I need you to come over. Is Mac with you?"

Mac, Mara's boyfriend, was the only one she trusted in this situation.

"Yes. I'll call Raquelle."

"Please," she whispered. She needed both of her sisters, the bookends to their trio.

"Are you okay? You're starting to scare me," Mara begged.

"I don't know. You need to see it for yourself. Please hurry." She hoped she didn't sound too desperate.

Their conversation gave her slight relief. Her inner battle raged to regain her composure before her sisters came over. She was their rock and wasn't about to let them see her crumble.

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