Chapter Four: "Break and Dolce"

Start from the beginning

Pico looked up into her eyes, searching carefully for any sign of her lying—but she only saw truth. So she slowly nodded and smiled up at her genuinely, “Alright, I’ll trust you with the life of my dear friend.”

‘Way to put it in a way to put pressure on me.’

I nodded, “Now please, go somewhere safe.”

She did; vanishing to thin air.

The fight wasn’t easy I’ll tell ya that. But for once; I beat her. I’ve won.

Victory. Is. Mine.

As the others did, the creature stayed against the ground before flashing a ray of lights out of its body. Having me to cower down to shield my eyes from getting hit. 

Suddenly—Pico was here in a flash.

“Dolly, you’re back!” Pico exclaimed, throwing her arms around the lady, “You scared me, don’t so that ever, ever, ever again, okay?”

Nn..” the lady sighed, “calm down, I’m okay, see?”

“Mph,” Pico pouted. “Oh yea! This is Kyo, she’s the one that saved you.”

Dolly stared at me with her...emotionless eyes. “Thanks.”

Kyo laughed softly, “Oh, it was nothing, really.”

Dolly smiled. “My name is Dolce by the way.”

Oh. Dolce—not Dolly. Got it.

“Oh..nice to meet you. I’m Kyo…but you probably already knew that.”

Dolce cracked a smile, “Yes.”

“So, Pico and…Dolce, would you two like to head over to town?”

Pico and Dolce glanced at each other.

“Yea,” Dolce finally said—She was probably the leader of the group, “I think you can be trusted.”

I nodded, “Please, follow me.”


“Saved another one, eh?”

The one to welcome them into town, was; of course, Dylas.

“Yea,” Kyo answered evasively. She quickly turned away, guiding Dolce and Pico towards the castle.

Kyo cleared her throat, “Venti, I have…arrived back from Obsidian Mansion—and it was a success, thank god, and as we thought; another person has been unsealed. Her name is Dolce and she has a little spirit ally named Pico along with her.”

“Ah,” Venti bellowed, “congratulations on your success, Miss Frey.”

“Happy to be of service,” Kyo replied happily.

“But where would they stay—?”

“If I may,” Nancy, the town’s nurse, interjected, “I think Jones and I have a little spare room for them. If it’ll save everyone some trouble, we’ll be happy to be of service. What kind of nurse would I be if I let another ‘family member’ become homeless? A terrible one.” She answered herself.

Venti sighed and smiled—not that you could tell—but Frey did, of course, “Yes, that’d be great help, thank you—Nancy.”

“With pleasure,” she replied respectfully. “Dolce?”

“Huh?” Dolce answered—surprised.

Nancy chuckled, “Are you good with medicine?”


After the whole fiasco—Kyo made an escape out the town, seeking a place to hang out before dark. In reality; she was escaping from having to deal with Vishnal and his ‘Possessiveness’.

So she sat down by Silver Lake; and fished. One of many things that she enjoyed doing to relax from stress. Stress-Free as she liked to call it. “Nn…” she sighed, “Lululu…” she hummed. When she felt a pull, she lurched her rod forward, snagging the fish out the water, and placed it into her fishing bucket.

“Ah, there ye’ are,” Someone said from behind her.

She sighed. She would know that annoying voice from anywhere.

 “What do you want, Dylas?”

“To hang out?” he answered with a grin, “can I join? In fact—I’m hurt, you know how much I love fishing, and yet, you didn’t ask me to come join.”

She rolled her eyes, “Not all things that I do, I think about you Dylas.”

He smirked, “But with other things, you think about me? Interesting.”

She flushed, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Of course, Prin—“

“And don’t call me that,” she snapped.

“Snappy,” he muttered.

She sighed, “It’s just, that nickname—it was only meant for Vishnal to call me, but now that that has changed…” she trailed off slowly, “…so has he. And that nickname just reminds me of what he used to be. So stop it.”

“Okay, Sis,” he replied smoothly.

“Sis?” she asked skeptically. “Now where’d that come from?”

“My mind,” he answered sarcastically.

“Shut up, you,” she barked.

He laughed, “See? Isn’t this relaxing?” he said, nudging her shoulder with his.

She frowned, “Yea, it is, surprisingly enough,” she whispered, “thanks, I needed this.”

“Needed what, exactly?” he asked.

“A break from…everything at the town. You know. One; my relationship problems. Two; saving the damn town. And three…Stress, I guess.”

He smiled—this time, not one of those psychotic looking ones—“Anytime Sis.”


*****Chapter End*****


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