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"Has anyone of you seen y/n?" Polnareff asked as he waltzed through the door into the hotel room where Jotaro, Kakyoin, Joseph and Avdol currently were gathered. "We were supposed to meet up twenty minutes ago in the lobby to get some food together, but she never turned up."

"Weird," Joseph commented "She left 25 minutes ago with Iggy to the lobby; she should've been there long ago..."
The room got quiet as they all realised that might have happened and Polnareff was the one to say it out loud "Maybe she's been attacked by an enemy stand!" as he ran out of the hotel room towards her own hotel room to see if she was all right.

He stormed into her room, only to find it empty "Y/n, where are you!?" he yelled, but got no response. He looked everywhere when he suddenly felt a breeze and his head snapped towards the window which was open and fear filled his head with all kind of thoughts of what might have happened. He ran to the open window and looked down "y/n!" he yelled, but to his relief he didn't see her body lying on the ground as he had feared he would.

He sighed in relief and just at that moment, Kakyoin walked into the room "y/n is back, but she was indeed attacked by a stand user... She's in Joseph and Avdol's room now," he explained and upon hearing this, Polnareff started running back to the room he had just been.

All kind of scenarios flashed through Polnareff's mind; he had been attacked by stand users often before and the thought of you being hurt as bad as he had been hurt before pained his heart. Polnareff just wanted to see you safe and protect you as much as he possibly could; he might have developed a small crush on you during the time you had spent together on the trip to Egypt, but no way he was gonna admit that ever!

When he opened the door and saw you laying in the bed underneath a pile of blankets shivering and in such a weakened state, he felt his heart crumble. How could he not have been with you at that one moment you were attacked by a stand; he had been waiting in the lobby downstairs all that time, waiting for you to come so the two of you could go grab some lunch together.

"y/n! What happened?" he asked as he rushed to the bed and held one of her hands "You're freezing!"
"She got attacked by a stand user that apparentely sucks out body heat and uses that to power himself up," Joseph explained "Jotaro, Kakyoin and I will go after the stand user; you, Avdol and Iggy stay with y/n"

"What!? Why can't I go with you guys to take down the stand user?" Polnareff yelled indignantly. He should be the one getting revenge for her.
"Because you're only out on revenge Polnareff. We know how you are when you're out on revenge and the last time you were blinded by your need to revenge a girl someone almost died! We can't have any more people turn out like this; so just stay here with Avdol and try to get her warmed up again." Joseph sternly said. Polnareff looked down; what joseph said might be true, but he was still outraged that he couldn't go with them to defeat the stand user "Besides, you're the closest to y/n out of all of us, I think she might want to have you close to her when she isn't feeling well..." Joseph added as the three of them left the room and Polnareff was left behind in the room with Avdol, Iggy and you.

As Iggy was snoozing off at y/n's feet and Avdol was getting something warm for her to drink so she could warm up a bit, Polnareff sat on the other side of the bed; one of his hands was being clutched by her cold hands while his other one stroked through her hair. Her body felt cold and she was shivering non-stop even as she was laying underneath three duvets. Then, Avdol returned with the hot beverage he had been searching for "Sorry it took such a long time, it took them an eternity to get some tea going for some reason," he explained as he put the steaming cup of tea down on the bedside table.

Magician's red came out and sat on the bed as he started radiating more and more heat. y/n reacted to this and pulled the blankets with her as she sat up and leaned against the chicken like stand emitting heat. She took he mug of tea and enjoyed the warmth it gave to her cold hands as she started taking little sips from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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