The Mall pt. 2

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John had branched off to look at a jacket in the store beside Journeys while Toby and Rose went into the Journeys to look for shoes. Eric and Ezra both agreed they weren't good with fashion so they went to hang out at gamestop.

They had plans to meet up at Michael's in half an hour but they were more than sure Ezra and Eric would be late so they were in no rush.

"What do you look for in shoes?" Toby asks, looking at the different high tops that were in the front of the store.

"Most of my shoes are black because they don't pick up a lot of attention. Can't really sneak around with bright red or blue shoes," Rose shrugs.

"What exactly is it that you do? No one's been exactly serious about it,"

"I do graffiti. Heaven pieces," Rose keeps it short because she knows he knows a decent bit about the art.

"Ah that would make sense for the black shoes then. And I assume you're thinking about sneakers or a pair of combat boots?"

"Actually looking for some sneakers this time, last time my combat boots were a bit too loud so I figure I should get something that I can sneak away with too." She explains as she lifts a pair of black adidas with dark grey stripes instead of white.

She browses a few more shoes in the section before turning to look at the guys side of the store. She noticed Toby looking at some sneakers.

"Are you gonna get some shoes while were here? What size do you need?" She picks up a pair of Nike's and looks at them.

"I'm a size 10 but nah, I was just admiring. They're like 500 bucks anyway and I didn't plan on spending that kind of money here." Toby places the shoe back down but Rose can see the small look of longing in his eyes.

"What do you think about these?" Rose takes Toby's hand and brings him back to the other side where she picks up the original pair of adidas she had been looking at previously.

"Oh these are nice, not super flashy." Toby mentions and she nods.

"Hi can I help you with anything today?" A worker says coming over.

"Oh I'll take these in a size 8, please." Rose smiles at the worker and the worker has a light blush as she nods and goes back to grab the shoes.

"Do you want to run ahead to gamestop to meet up with the guys and make sure they're ready? I'll just pay for these and head out." Toby nods and heads to the gamestop, surprised that the guys were actually ready to go.

Rose comes in and they all head to Michael's. The second they walk in she grabs a cart and goes to the paint isle. The guys all follow her, intrigued to see what her plan of action was since she had mentioned that she wanted a large haul.

No one expected her to literally dump basically every can of white and black spray paint into her basket. She also grabbed a lot of reds and blues, and a few greens. The cart was nearing full when Ezra leaned over to Eric.

"Isn't this a bit expensive?"

"Oh yeah, she's got money." Eric nods.

"Would you guys like anything?" Rose looks back at the guys as she grabs the last few cans of white spray paint and balances them on top of the full cart.

"I want some tea," Ezra answers with a smirk.

"I don't think they'll have that here, ready to drink at least. But I can treat everyone to food when we're done," she shrugs as she guides the cart slowly and carefully towards the checkout line where a man with a bunch of tattoos and scruffy hair waves her over.

"You guys want to go eat?" Ezra looks at the guys.

"Not me, I need to edit the video, I haven't gotten much done." Eric sighs before adding, "anyone else need a ride home?"

"Actually I need to edit a bit too and I mentioned a stream in a tweet earlier so I should do that too," John frowns, "It's too bad because I like hanging out with your sister."

"Hey Rose, can you give Ezra and Toby a ride?" Eric calls out and she just gives a thumb up.

"I'll see you guys later," Eric gives the two a short side hug before heading out with John.

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