02: Sehun Centric

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Sehun’s alarm clock rang on his ear and he groaned. There was a small weight laying on his chest and he groaned, thinking he was dying for a minute before he opened his eyes to see Haru sleeping on his chest. He smiled at the kitten and pet his head before gently scooping him up and laying him on the duvet. He slowly slid his legs out from beneath the blankets.

Haru stretched and scratched his ear, yawning and laying back down. Sehun laughed softly.

“I wish I could do that too buddy,” he said, kissing the kittens head.

Sehun let out a big yawn. He wanted nothing more than to crawl back in bed with his kitten and go back to sleep. Unfortunately, work called, even though what he did wasn’t particularly important. At least not to anyone that wasn’t a nerd.

Haru seemed to read his mind. A paw found its way to Sehun’s pajama shirt. Sehun broke into a smile a pet his head.

“Sorry buddy, work beckons. If I don’t open the store, parents won’t be able to buy their children Christmas presents,” Sehun cooed to him.

Gently pushing the kitten away, he opened his closet to grab a sweater and jeans to wear for the day.


Once he was dressed, Haru had fallen back asleep. Sehun quietly opened the door to his room, walking into the bedroom. He started walking for the door when he felt something tugging on his shoelace. He looked down in shock and groaned. He’d forgotten Jongin had brought the puppy.

Sehun looked over to the couch where Jongin was sleeping. He sighed. He didn’t have the heart to wake him up. He always worked so hard. Sehun grumbled to himself and covered Jongin with a blanket before gently pushing the puppy away from the door as he walked out of their apartment.

He walked down the hallway to the stairs, skipping down them. All he could think about was the image of Jongin sleeping peacefully on the couch. Sehun couldn’t deny the attraction he felt for the male. Ever since they were young in primary school, Sehun had always had some sort of weird connection with him. It was only when they were both older and more mature that Sehun had realized how attractive his best friend was. Of course, he knew there was no way Jongin would ever feel that way about Sehun, but the feelings that he held for him would never go away.

Thinking had taken up a lot of time. Sehun hadn’t realized he had already made it to the store. Pulling out the key from his pocket, he pushed the key into the keyhole, turning it until it clicked open. He pushed the glass door open and flipped on the light.

“You’re running a little late today, hmm?” an unexpected voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Jongdae? I thought you weren’t going to be back for another week?”Sehun said, laying eyes on the shorter man.

“I ended up coming back early. Got some awesome finds!” Jongdae said, motioning to the boxes in the floor near the desk.

“Oh wow! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to look at them!” Sehun said, making his way toward the box.

He planted himself in the floor and opened the box, pulling out a comic book.

“Oh amazing! The first edition if Iron Man!” he said excitedly.

Jongdae plopped down on the high desk chair in front of the boxes.

“Careful, that’s for the display, not your bookshelf,” Jongdae said.

Sehun rolled his eyes but ignored him. He slowly took the plastic covering off to flip through the brittle yellow pages.

“Come on Dae, you know how much I love the old comics. Can you give me a discount?” he asked with a pout.

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