➖chapter one➖

Start from the beginning

"Haha, yes, Henrick, I am. How are you?"

"I'll be perfect once you do that one magic trick that you showed me. The one with the feathers?"

"Yes, that one. It is one of my favorite parlor tricks," Davina chuckles. "Come on, I'll show you after dinner."

"Okay," Henrick agrees and lets go of Davina.

"Mother," a voice bellows from outside the house. Three more brothers and Mikael burst inside, making Davina jump in surprise.

"Children, quiet. Davina is staying over for dinner tonight, so no roughhousing," Esther scolds.

"Sorry, Mother," Klaus apologizes and then turns to Davina. "You ought to come over more often. You're the only one to calm Father down."

Davina just smiles and shakes her head. "Klaus, you need to come visit more often. I see you least of all."

"And here I thought I was your least favorite," Klaus chuckles. They hug for a quick minute before she turns towards Elijah.

"Davina," Elijah greets and kisses her hand. "It'll be a pleasure to have you here for dinner."

"The pleasure's all mine," she replies. "You truly are the most polite out of all your siblings. Don't tell them, but take the honor of that."

Elijah responds with a smile and a nod. Davina turns to Finn and tilts her head. "Finn, don't tell me. You've gotten a haircut, haven't you?"

"I'm not surprised that you could tell. You've got the gift of absorbing the details around you."

"That means I'll be able to tell if you steal any of my food, so don't," Davina replies in a mock warning tone. They both break into grins.

"It's a shame Kol got to you first. You're a real charmer, Davina Claire," Finn murmurs, shaking his head.

"Yes, well, I'm just as lucky. If I ever find my doppelgänger, you'll be the first to know, Finn," Davina smirks.

"Dinner's ready," Esther announces. "Everyone, gather, please." Davina follows the others into the dining room and stands next to Kol, around the table. "Let's say grace." They all bow their heads as Esther begins the prayer. "We are grateful that our family is reunited once again. There is nothing more to wish than the safety and happiness of my family. Thank you, Lord." Everyone around the table repeats thank you, Lord before sitting down.

Davina nibbles on her bread as she looks around at the family interacting with each other. She sees that Klaus and Mikael were sitting a good distance apart, though she never knew why they never got along. Her attention is caught when Henrick spills his bowl of soup all over the floor.

"I've got it," Davina says and begins to stand up.

"Nonsense. You're a guest, Davina," Mikael tells her.

"A guest should earn their keep. Don't worry, I'll clean the mess," she firmly states. Kol squeezes her hand and she offers him a smile in return. "I'll be fast." Davina hurries to the kitchen and grabs a towel before going back. On her way, she passes a hand-painted family portrait that seems to be missing someone. Davina realizes that Klaus wasn't present, which strikes her as a bit odd considering even Henrick was in it.

Davina shakes her head and pushes the thought to the back of her mind. She arrives back at the table and mops up the liquid surrounding Henrick's chair.

"Have you ever seen a werewolf before, Davina," Henrik whispers to her.

"Uh, no, I haven't. Why is that, Henrick?"

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