ii: New Friends

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new friends

twonew friends____________

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     QUINN WAS CONFUSED. She had no idea as to why she was on this plane, heading towards Germany. I mean, she thought it was so fucking cool that Tony Stark wanted to bring her to Germany, but she has no idea why. Did he want her to be a test subject? Was she a science experiment? She couldn't sleep the night before thinking about why she was going to Germany.

     She thought that maybe they wanted to test out her powers. Which is why she felt as if she was studying for a test as she sat down on the private jet. "Shit, shit, shit," Quinn muttered to her self as she read through the spells. Catching her eyes on one or two that she thought might be good for her to use. ' EXTREME FIRE SPELL - Create flames *BE CAREFUL -POSSIBLE TO BURN DOWN HOUSEHOLDS* - Phasmatos Incendia.' It read.

     Quinn's eyes widened at the possible danger of this spell and smiled. She had never used that spell before and was kind of excited to use it. Although, she didn't want to kill anyone, well except for the excited kid that was filming everything who was another of Tony's recruits. He was so excited and didn't know how to be quiet. She felt like tearing his head off. I mean, she was currently staring at the pain inflicting spell and was tempted to use it. But, she couldn't. She had a witness.

     She couldn't remember his name, because he said it very fast and muttered it and she was mainly focusing on the facial expressions of Happy, of how he couldn't help but roll his eyes every two minutes or groan. She was loving it. Quinn quickly looked over another spell, seeing as there were not many words to it, she thought that it would be helpful and also easy to remember. 'EXPLOSION SPELL - Creates violent explosions - POSSIBLE DEATH TO OCCUR IF PEOPLE ARE TOO CLOSE TO IT - Vatos'. Quinn kept that in mind and quickly saw a healing spell, quickly memorising it, 'Phasmatos Sana,' it read causing Quinn to read it and reread it over and over again.

     She was interrupted by her thoughts, by the dude, whatever his name was, she decided to call him spider-boy because she knew he had spider powers. "Hello..." Quinn trailed off hoping that he would say his name, "Parker Peter - uh, wait, no - Peter...Parker," Peter said nervously. Quinn looked at him, waiting for him to say something as he sat down in front of her. "Quinn Allard," she replied, realising that he probably didn't know hers either and just was wondering. Maybe then he will go away. But, what if that means that she wants to have a conversation with him? But she doesn't.

     Oh, no. She wants to be alone, to sleep and to eat shitty snacks that she found at the back of her cupboard, that may or may not be expired and then do her business with Tony FUCKING Stark. But, no, she's ruined it. Now, this dude, Peter, might think she wants friendship or something. This is bad. "I know," Peter said. Oh. So, what does he want then? Wait, how does he know her name? Was he a stalker? Is he even supposed to be on this plane? Is she even supposed to be on this plane? Oh, no. Oh, shit, shit, shit.

A KIND OF MAGIC, peter parkerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя