Prison Doors

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Sou's POV

I couldn't believe Kento did that to Aya. As soon as the car left the lot, I turned to him and slapped him. "What kind of thing was that?!" I yelled at him. He glares at me and takes a step towards me. "It was me, protecting myself. You would have done the same thing."

I shake my head. I couldn't believe how selfish he was acting. What happened to the super-sweet guy I knew? I shook my head. "No, I wouldn't. Do you know how important Aya is to Shori? You'll devastate him."

Fuma looks down. "Sou-butt is right, Kento. You were a little selfish back there." At this, Kento fumes more. "You all are stupid. You don't know how pressured and scared I was during that. And especially when she held the gun to my head. You don't understand." He snarls.

Marius steps forward. "Guys, lets argue later! Shori is bleeding a lot and he's turning white!" We all stare at him and gasp at the scene. Shori looks dead as a ghost, and he looks like he won't last long. Sure, he got shot in the arm, but he hit his head pretty hard on the pavement when he fell, and he's losing a lot of blood.

Fuma doesn't hesitate. He runs to Shori and pulls him up, carrying him like a baby. "His head is bleeding a ton also. We need to hurry!" Kento runs us to our van and hops in. We all follow and Kento drives us as fast as he can to the nearest hospital. We're speeding, but it's for Shori's and Sexy Zone's future.

We soon arrive at the hospital. Fuma carries Shori, Marius and I follow, and Kento parks the van. We burst through the doors and the lady gasps at Shori. He's very bloody and pale.

"Oh my gosh, doushita? What happened?" She asks ringing the bell for assistance. Paramedics, doctors, and nurses burst through the doors and grabbed Shori from Fuma. They rush him through the doors they came from and the lady at the front desk.

"Please fill in these medical papers and you can visit your friend as soon as possible."

Fuma nodded and took them back to the waiting room with a pen. He sighs and looks at the first page. I feel so bad for Aya, but that will come later. We need Shori alive, or else....

Fuma's POV

So many papers. They are all on Shori, insurance, the price for 8 days in the hospital, and what relations he has for us. It's a lot of work, and I never thought that I would be doing it until my first child. Haha that'll happen.

I finish the papers with a flourish, signing my name at the bottom. I stand and Marius comes up to me. "Are you done?" He asks, and I nod, putting the stack on the front desk. The lady nods at us and gives us paper wristbands. "These are to visit your little brother any time you want. Except when we're doing procedures and tests."

I nod and wave the guys over. I help put on each wristband and lead them to the room where Shori is stationed. Room 245 on the second floor. Kento is with us, and he's finally here.

I knock on the door and open it. "Shori?" I whisper and go over to his bed. I touch his hand and poke his arm. He doesn't move. His heart machine is by his bed, and his heart is still beating. Thank the Gods. I look at the boys and give them upset looks.

"I say we stay here with Shori. He needs to stay with company. Aya can wait." Kento says. Sou's face turns even more rage-full with Kento's decision.

"Kento, you are all kinds of selfish today. Gosh, your so rude!" He yells as runs out of the room. Kento looks at the door and walks out after him. "Sou, wait!" He calls slamming the door shut behind him.

"What about Aya? What are we going to do?" Marius asks me, sitting in a chair. I shrug. "Aya is in prison. We need to bail her soon or else her bail money will go up with many late fees."

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