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Aurora awoke to the sound of laughter;soft and tinkling in the light summer breeze.Recognizing it to be female,she jolted upright,and fear,coupled with fatigue was etched upon every feature of her beautiful face;her wide blue eyes,soft round nose and even her quivering,plump lips.Crouching behind the large oak tree,she watched as two figures intruded upon her peaceful haven,the place where all her worries dissolved away,which she had come to call her home.

Aurora once heard that home was where one's heart belonged,and if that was the truth,her home was certainly not the ugly,medieval structure where her drink induced father and I-couldn't-care-less business woman of her mother sought shelter. The first figure,seemingly feminine,was slender,and it's movement was smooth and un-interrupted,not unlike that of a snake.The second figure,however,was large,burly,and moved quite roughly,hefty steps tearing into the leafy ground.As both of them stepped into some of the sunlight which somehow managed to penetrate the deep expanse of trees,Aurora gasped,and fell upon her behind,making a rustling sound,which earned her a curious look from the second figure in her direction. Aurora recognized the slender figure to be snow,a girl who had more beauty and less,no,none of the brains.She spent days watching her cheer for her high school football team;the Eagles.Snow's back-flips and cart-wheels were said to be the best in the country,and mixed with her flirty nature and perfect physique,this made her quite popular.Her companion seemed to be council president and quarterback of the Eagles,Prince Philip.No,he wasn't actually from the royal family,but he earned the title due to his excellent leadership skills.Oh,and the fact that his chiseled jaw,porcelain skin,not to mention the come hither sultry look he had within his ocean blue eyes made girls go bananas. Aurora also found him quite attractive and charming-but, sadly,she knew he was way out of her league.As she looked upon their retreating figures,snow giggling with Philip's arm wound around her tiny waist,she was struck with the sudden realization that the sun was almost well below the horizon and that she had to be home.Not that her 'parents' would care,but she had to be home,just for Peter,her little brother.Tempted to bury herself in the wet mud beneath the old oak she sighed,and lifted and lifted her body off the ground,tearing a hole into her shirt while doing so. Aurora then started the meticulous journey towards her 'house',cursing her luck all the while.

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