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Over seven billion of us are treading through life, trying to reach our goal, may that be surviving, wealth, fame or just a quiet life. There is so many possibilities, so much to reach for. 

One thing I have always hated is science and psychology trying to categorize people. Although I myself prefer the logical explanations of things and gravitate more towards what is realistic and uncomplicated (logic is, as I see it, the simplest thing that can be), I find the act of people categorizing people rather obtuse and deficient. I believe that people are one of the few things that can't really be explained or classified, because we have free thoughts, the ability to change completely and to act against the adjectives and groups that are supposed to define us. Sure, in psychology, there is types of people, and I am sure that if we read the descriptions to these certain kinds, we will proceed to recognize ourselves in one or the other. That's a fact. Yet no one, I repeat, no one will be able to foresee your next action or thought based on these categorizations, actually, based on anything. It's not possible because of our free will and our uncontrollable range of thought. It is likely, that there are certain reactions and ways of feeling to certain situations, which are highly popular and considered 'normal' or 'expected' like being scared in case of a fire or getting angry when being provoked by someone. I am not a psychologist nor did I ever study psychology yet I believe this is basic knowledge.

People are so interesting to me. I surprise myself everyday and discover something unexpected, even if I like to think I know myself, my strong points and weak spots very well. 

People are all so different. Some are graced with the undeserved and completely random gift of beauty. Some are gifted with kindness and sensibility. Some are gifted with charm and humor. Some are gifted with impeccable wit and a cynical outlook on the world, which we call sarcasm. Some are gifted with a gorgeous body or not necessarily beauty, but cuteness. Looking at in from a logical point of view, the only things we are actually gifted or cursed with when we are born, are our looks. Otherwise we are all born as innocent, unsuspecting beans to this unfamiliar world and start developing personality traits from that moment on, based on where and in which circumstances we grow up, what examples our parents and siblings (if one happens to have any) set us and overall every single thing that surrounds us in our first few months of life. Then we have those added, natural talents, which are mysteriously saved in our minds. 

There are kids who are musically gifted and can play an instrument at a very young age without having practiced too much. There are kids who can draw, paint, craft etc. at a very young age. There are kids who are talented when it comes to sports, kids who have amazing memories, kids who have a great and developed sense of logic and usually later grow up to be mathematicians in life.  The next thing and the opposite of talent is a natural occurrence of being bad at something. This is fair because if we are naturally good at something without working as hard for it as the others, we also have to have a thing we're naturally bad at. That could be cooking, math, drawing, sports, basically anything that can be a talent can also be a weakness. If we are naturally good at multiple things, we are also naturally bad at multiple things. Then there is the things we are neutral at and can achieve with learning.

Now that we have all these possibilities of types of people, personalities and talents we also add our own little bit of uniqueness to really make ourselves individual. May that be a small accessory that we always wear or our style overall, may that be a certain way we smile or  certain habits of ours like gestures or words (sayings) we do or say a lot and with that it becomes our 'thing', the individuality that makes us us.  At the end, it just has to be something that not everybody does and one of the things people remember you by. People tend to have more of these little 'perks', which is why everyone is truly different and the thought of that is thrilling to me. 

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