Things You Need To Know Before You Start

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Hello. Hi. Hey. Greetings. Good Day. Welcome. Choose whatever you like best, for this book is for you. If you can't find your preference when it comes to greeting someone listed, just imagine I wrote the one you like.

Just because this book is all about perspectives and not only mine, I'm not going to bother explaining everything about myself because I know people judge as soon as they get to know someone. It is nobody's fault, as it is something in the human nature that provokes us to immediately have a certain opinion after learning something about someone, even if we don't notice. We judge looks, personalities, words and manners. We judge thoughts and ways of life. And it's perfectly okay to do that, however I wouldn't like to make any impact on any of you based on what I look like, how old I am or who I know. 

Throughout this book you'll progressively learn more about me based on what I write, because these are things which I want to share. Yet what you make of me, what you think of me, what and who I am in your mind, that's for you to decide. I will be sharing certain life experiences if needed, in order for you to understand why I see things the way I do and my train of thought, because I strongly think that our experiences and choices, do indeed, define us. There is people who choose to leave their pasts behind and start every single day as a new person, ready for what life throws at them. I am not one of those people. My past defines me and I do not want to forget it, as it made me who I am today, writing this. As will my future.

At the end of this journey of ours, I may reveal everything. I also may decide not to. I guess all that's left for you to do is to turn the page and see not only through your eyes, but through mine simultaneously. I say simultaneously because I do not want you to completely forget or lose yourself and your opinions in the depth of the ones of another. I want you to remember, embrace and see the world from a multitude of angles at once. 

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