"Duh. There was no way they were going to win."

"Shush up child. They weren't supposed to win in 2016 either and look what happened."

"That was pure luck and you know it." She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever missy. You want me to tell the story or not?"

"Fine. Continue."

"After they lost, Kyrie proposed to me in our hotel room."

She smiled widely.
"Omg! Was it romantic?"

"Very." I smiled, reminiscing. "Champagne, candles, roses. It was like a dream because it was so perfect. Of course I said yes and we were officially engaged."

She smiled then paused.
"Woah wait. Did he sleep with someone after?"

"No. That wasn't it. Um, we were about 6 months into the engagement and I told him I got the job here and he told me that he was traded to Boston. We were very happy then the doorbell rang and low and behold, it was Kehlani. Revealing to us that she was pregnant."

"Woah wait when did they-"

"Apparently..on some road trip they had earlier that year, he bumped into Kehlani and they slept together. He never told me. Never even alluded to it." I said as I remembered the events of that specific day.


- "Baby Wait!" He said pulling me towards him.

I ripped my arm from his grasp and glared at him as I stopped running upstairs.
"Don't you ever..put your hands on me again or so help me god...that will be the last time you ever use them."

"Wait! Just wait! I didn't know that she was pregnant-"

"WHY IS SHE PREGNANT KYRIE!? When the fuck did you cheat on me!?"

He stayed silent as he thought.


"It was in Indiana! During the regular season..I..we bumped into each other and we got drunk and it just..happened.." He said as his voice cracked, tears threatened to spill.

Tears poured down my angry face as I continued my stomp to our bedroom.
"Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck all of this." I yelled, pulling my suitcase out from underneath our bed.

"Wait Paris, what are you doing?"

"I need to leave. I can't hit a pregnant woman and if I put my hands on you, I'm not going to stop until your knocked out or forced to hit back. So I'm leaving. I can't fucking be here."

"No, Paris just let me explain-"

I took my ring off and threw it at him.
"Fuck this engagement. As of now it's off. No engagement. No wedding. No fucking relationship."

I snapped out of it as Chanel called my name.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm..I'm fine." I sighed. "But that's it. That's all then I moved here, met my boyfriend Kai, and now I'm happy."

"Are you?"

I raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"

"Do you love him the way you loved Kyrie?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about the question.
"I-" Before I could answer, my phone vibrated. I looked down to see Shaniya calling me and I noticed the time. "I actually have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yep." She smiled, hugging me as I walked out.

I collected my stuff from my office and walked out to my car, opting to call Shaniya back when I got home. I got into my car and before I started it, I heard a knock on the window. I jumped at the sound before seeing a girl. I rolled down my window and saw Kehlani standing there.
What? You've got to be kidding me..

I scoffed.
"Back away from my fucking car."

"No! Wait, Paris!"

I ignored her and rolled my window up, turning my car on. I heard her yell for me and roll her eyes when I didn't respond. She walked from the window and stood in front of my car, refusing to move.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. "What the hell do you want Kehlani?"

"Can you please get out of the car and talk to me like an adult?"

I rolled my eyes and got out, leaning against the hood of my car.
"How the fuck did you find where I work?"

"I have connections."

"What do you want? You have two minutes because I honestly don't know why I'm letting you talk in the first place."

"I need you to go out with Kyrie-"

I scoffed.


I looked up and glared at her.

She took a deep breath.
"He needs you."

"He's over exaggerating-"

"It's not an over exaggeration! He..he's breaking without you.."

"Yeah, well, he shouldn't be..he has you. He chose you, Kehlani. You guys have a family. Tell him to man up."

"Paris. I know we never got off on the right foot. I did some fucked up shit to you but..hear me out. That night...that me and Kyrie slept together..We were drunk that night. I..I kept feeding him drinks and I got him to sleep with me, god, he was barely up-"

"You raped him?"

"No! I-...look, I was just the aggressor that's what I'm saying, after everything happened you were the only thing on his mind, he regretted it so much it nearly brought him to tears and he kicked me out that morning. He didn't want to ruin what you guys had and I am mostly to blame for that. You guys would've been fine if I hadn't became pregnant."

I scoffed.
"He still slept with you and hid it from me."

"If there's no problem, why cause one? It would've ripped you apart when it meant absolutely nothing. Just..please give him a chance..please Paris..please."

I crossed my arms.
"If I do that...will you leave me the hell alone?"

She sighed and put a fake smile on her face.
"Yes. I will leave you the hell alone."

I couldn't stand to be in her vicinity any longer.
"Fine. Tell him to meet me at Monroe's at 6. Tomorrow."

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Where stories live. Discover now