Chapter 3: The Aliens Doom

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A/N - Hello and welcome to the story. I got nothing new to update so lets get on with the story. Enjoy!

Y/N (Doom Slayer) POV

I was standing in the back of the tent as Ash was doing the briefing on the next mission. I was watching and having Vega scan the data that he deemed useful. I on the other hand was listening to the plan and the reactions of the other operators when they found out they were not going to this mission yet I was. I am apparently a recruit due to the fact that I have yet to earn a position to become one of these operators. Yet I ignore any comments and listen to what I must do.

Ash "Alright, so the operators going on this mission are going to be Me, Doc, and Glaz. We will also be having the Doom Slayer accompany us as he is the best at killing these things."

Man with gas mask "Why is the bloody recruit going and not one of the more skilled operators."

Glaz "I saw him fight the infected. He is fully capable of taking care of these beast and is a force to be reckoned with."

Tachanka "That is true is is more skilled than most likely any operator in the program."

Gas Mask "I need to see it for myself to believe it."

Vega "Well this suit does have a helmet camera, so it is very possible for you to see what the Doom Slayer can do."

Gas Mask "Ok, make it a deal after this mission I would like to see the cam footage."

Ash "Enough! Smoke, you will see what he can do after the mission. The mission is that we will need to destroy these three tendrils of sorts using special explosives crafted by Thermite. After that we will go to the evacuation point and there Jager will pick us up and fly us back to the safe zone."

Doc "Sounds like a plan."

Jager "I vill get the helicopter running." After that he and the others leave to go do there things. The actual team going on the field is left in the tent getting prepared for the fight ahead.

Doc "I have not seen what you can do. I trust that what the others have said is true and that you really are as powerful as the others say."

Vega "Do not worry Doctor. The Doom Slayer has faced worse enemies than these infected so he is actually better than what the others have said."

Doc "I feel somewhat better about this mission if he has fought worse enemies than what we are about to fight. Thank you for the conformation Vega."

Y/N 'This would be easier if I got to do this by myself but sadly I will have to fight with others.'

Vega 'Yes well that happens and you have been alone for the past few millennia so I say this is good for you.'

Ash "Alright I just got confirmation that Jager is ready for liftoff. Who wants to carry the explosives?"

Y/N 'Hey Vega, can my infinite backpack hold those explosives and we can still use them afterwards?'

Vega 'Yes, that would be possible as the infinite back pack does not actually have any effect on items. Oh I see.'

Vega "The Doom Slayer could carry them as he has an infinite storage backpack." 

 I walk over to the explosives and pick them up before they disperse into particals, signifying that they are in the backpack.

Glaz "Comrade, how do you have technology like that?"

Vega "We come form the year 5280." (I don't actually know but with him being born in the 21st-22nd century and being alive for a few millennia I would say around that time period. The Doom Wiki never states a date.)

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