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Finn's POV:

I sat in my hospital bed looking at the TV. They had arrested my father.

But on other news Gaten, Noah, and Caleb had been visiting me often. It was nice of them. But they were also exploring Canada.

I sighed and fumbled with my fingers anxiously. There was nothing to do in the hospital.

I called Caleb but he didn't answer so I just sighed and sat back down. I guess I could sleep, some more.

My eyes were slowly closing until I heard an abrupt knock at the door. I turned to the door to see Bridget standing there.

"Bridget?" I asked somewhat surprised. She smiled softly at me and walked in.

"Hey Finn." She greeted sitting down on the edge of my bed. "I didn't know you were in the hospital." She said, pitying me.

"Who told you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your brother. And I am glad he did. I was worried about you. I should have stayed, maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt." She said feeling guilty. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"No, no matter what anyone did I would have ended up being hurt anyway. I'm glad you left, you could've gotten hurt." I said looking at her eyes, she wasn't making eye contact. "Don't feel guilty you didn't do anything wrong."

"Ok." She said looking at me and smiling. "It's sweet that you care though, if I got hurt." She said with a shy expression. I smirked and smiled back at her.

I started thinking about Millie and I tried my best getting her out of my head.

I sat up in the bed so I was facing Bridget correctly. She started leaning in and I did too. I felt a sense of deja vu.

And then we kissed.

Bridget wasn't a bad kisser. But I had that feeling that I didn't really wanting to be kissing her, but someone else.

"Oh oops!" I heard someone gasp. And both Bridget and I split apart and looked to the door.

My eyes widened.

"Caleb!" I said surprised.

Caleb's POV:

I was going over to the hospital to visit Finn because he had called me. I suspected he was bored so I told Gaten and Noah I was going to go back. They were still exploring so I just went by myself.

And then I found something I wasn't expecting to see. I didn't want to see.

Finn was kissing some random girl. I felt immediately guilty for Millie. She had been wanting to see Finn for so long now. And she waited, even after the alleged cheating. And here Finn is, kissing some other girl while Millie is moping about over him.

Honestly it made me a little irritated.

"Oh oops!" I gasped, purposely ruining the moment. I couldn't just let Finn throw away what he could have. I want to bring him home.

Finn and the girl had broken apart and Finn looked at me surprised. "Caleb!" He exclaimed.

"I didn't know you-"

"Yeah yeah, um I think I need to go now. I'm sure my mom is wondering where I am. I will see you soon Finn. And feel better!" The girl said quickly, getting her purse and walking out. I watched her blankly.

I didn't like her.

Once she was gone, really gone I said, "What the hell Finn?!"

Finn looked down guiltily. "I know I didn't tell you-"

"Is she your girlfriend?" I cut him off looking at him sternly. He shook his head and was quick to speak.

"No, no. We're friends, I don't know- I didn't think she thought of me like that." He shrugged. I walked up to his bed with crossed arms.

"Do you think of her like that?" I asked cocking an eyebrow. Finn gulped and looked down at his lap.

"Yeah. But I always felt this feeling in the back of my head reminding me of Millie-"

"So you still remember Millie? Ha how crazy?! Poor Millie who is still sitting in Hawkins waiting for you. While she is going through a whirlwind of emotions. The one who orchestrated this whole plan to see you. And you sit here kissing another girl. Millie is an amazing girl, any guy would be lucky to have her. I have known her for a while now and I know. You are so lucky to have her still loving your dumbass-"

"Not love." Finn interrupted making me pause on my rant.

"Whatever the hell y'all are. But I am still making my point! Millie has waited for you. Apparently you were a douche on the phone last time you talked, obviously you haven't changed from then. I'm just saying as a friend I'm sure that girl is not nearly as amazing as Millie is. There you go, I'm done." I finished rolling my eyes and dropping my arms at my side.

Finn looked blank. He was staring into space, not saying anything. Maybe my words got to him.

"You're right." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I smirked and nodded victoriously. "But she wouldn't take me back after how mean I've been." Finn sighed looking down in misery. I frowned and thought about it.

Maybe he's right...

"I don't know Finn. But it couldn't hurt to try. I can tell there is still something between y'all." I say trying to increase his chances of going back to Hawkins.

Finn looked like he was actually thinking about it. Maybe this would actually work!


This is a REALLY short chapter, sorry about that. It was a filler.

It's raining and I am kind of depressed, YAY!

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