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Just A Kiss...

It was the second day of school. I had liked it here but I kept thinking about my mom. I wonder what happened to her. I should probably ask Winona. Lately it has been my duty to try and not mention my mom at all. It would make us all sad.

"Millie?" A soft voice said. I was staring at a blank wall at the moment. "Millie Brown?!" The stern voice of my teacher passed through my ears. I looked up at him to find the class completely empty. "The bell has rung. You are going to be late." He told me. I gasped and grabbed my bag running out of the room.

I stopped at the entrance. "Thank you!" I thanked breathlessly. He smiled. Mr. Clarke was one of my favorite teachers already.

I managed to make it to Ms. Dyer's classroom right as the bell rang. "Come in, Millie. I won't count to you late today." She said as I plopped in my seat beside Finn. She made me sit beside him. "Anyway today, class we will be taking notes so pull out some paper." The whole class groaned in agony. I smiled, I loved taking notes because then there was not complications, you just wrote and learned.

During the middle of the class I felt Finn poke my shoulder. "Hey can I copy your notes?" He asked. I looked down at his paper, it was blank. I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why weren't you taking notes?" I asked stupidly. He glanced at something for a second.

"I wasn't paying attention." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"What were you looking at, a wall?" I exclaimed softly. He smirked and laughed.

"No something far more beautiful." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"You can look at your girlfriend, whoever she is later." I said annoyingly as I write down my notes.

"I was looking at you, Millie." He said in a matter-of-fact voice. I felt my whole body flush, oh.

"Um..." I trailed off uncomfortably. He was laughing at me and right now all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and die.

"Excuse me, lovebirds back there! Eyes on the board." Ms. Dyer called out to us. I gasped and everyone eyes averted to Finn and I. My face must have turned three shades redder. I dropped my head in my hands in embarrassment.

Finn sat back in his chair with a smirk on his face and a chuckle sitting at his throat, waiting for me to say something.

Why was I so flustered? Did Finn just flirt with me?

Did I like it?


"Lovebirds!" Sadie chuckled. I slapped her arm playfully.

"Shut up, Sadie! That was so embarrassing!" I cried but then I eventually laughed with her.

"Second day of school and you already have an admirer." Sadie murmured.

"Sadie, you know Finn is not an admirer. He probably just wants to get in my pants." I complained. She gasped and giggled.

"Oh Millie, you know many girls can't resist his charms." Sadie responded firmly, I scoffed. I'm sure he thought he was all that and a bag of chips.

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