Chapter Nine

460 29 23

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1456

February 20th, 2006

"Are you nervous?" you asked as Tyler grabbed his duffel bag from the backseat of the car.

"I don't think nervous scratches the surface of how I'm feeling right now," he answered, slamming the car door closed. "Thanks for coming early with me, I don't think I could do this alone."

"Of course," you said, walking around the car to join him. "That's what best friends do. Besides, there's no way I would want to drive three towns over on my own to try and find some building I had never been to before."

You followed Tyler into the brick building that loomed ahead of you. The sun was just beginning to set outside, and the city block that you were on seemed deserted. You were suddenly very glad that you hadn't let Tyler come alone.

"You must be Tyler Joseph!" an older man said, walking out to greet you two from behind a counter. He was tall, six feet at least, and his dark hair was peppered with gray. This must have been the guy Tyler had talked to on the phone, he seemed nice enough.

"That's me," Tyler smiled, shifting his stuff to one side so that he could shake the man's hand. "Thank you again for this opportunity, you have no idea how much it means to me."

"Of course, the demo you sent me was fantastic and I think our patrons will love it." The man's eyes landed on you. "Excuse my manners, my name is Samuel James. I'm the owner of this lounge," he said, extending a hand to you.

"Y/F/N Y/L/N, I'm Tyler's friend."

"A roadie, huh?" he smiled, clapping a hand on your shoulder. You smiled nervously. "Follow me, I'll show you where you can put your things."

You and Tyler followed Samuel to a small room near the back of the lounge. Inside was a couch, a table and two chairs, and a mirror. Tyler set his stuff down on the table and collapsed into the chair.

"I'll leave you two to prepare for the show. I have some things to prepare for tonight, anyway. I'll come back here and give you a five minute warning before you go on, remember you start at seven."

"Actually, can I ask you one more thing?"

"Of course."

"Do you mind saving a seat towards the front for Y/N? I'd like her back here while I get ready, but I don't want her to miss out on a good seat."

"You truly are a musician, making demands of your host," Samuel said. You and Tyler froze in fear, but Samuel quickly burst out laughing. "I'm only joking, that's no problem at all."

"Thank you," Tyler said, although he was still visibly nervous.

You gave Samuel a small smile before he walked off. Once he was out of the room, you walked over and took a seat on the couch. It was more comfortable than it looked.

"This is so weird," Tyler said as he dug around in his duffel bag. "I'm actually playing a gig."

"It's amazing, Ty! I'm beyond proud of you."

"I just hope I don't mess up. Also, can you close your eyes? I need to change."

"I've seen you shirtless before, Ty," you said, throwing a hand over your eyes. "And you're not going to mess up, you've practiced all of these songs like a hundred times each."

"Yeah, you're right," he sighed.

"One of these days you'll finally learn that I'm always right," you laughed.

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