Student Body Failure

Start from the beginning

I frowned
"Best cookies in town?"

Melissa rolled her eyes glaring
"Everyone loves Celine's cookies"

I bet they do

"Caio loser" she waved jogging over to Celine who handed her four more posters.

Poor girl.

I shook my head. Here's hoping

"Fingers crossed"

"Wow" someone said from behind me
"I know" I looked over at him as he observed the poster

"It's huge" I confessed running my fingers through my thick curled hair.

"That's what she said" he grinned wagging his eyebrows at me. I groaned in annoyance but he still made me laugh.

"You'll do great" he reassured me rubbing circles on my back
"How can I compete against that? How can someone afford to get their posters this huge"

"Her dad's a photographer"
I looked at him surprised

He nodded
"Mhmm her dad took our prom pictures and her birthday pictures"

I eyed him

"Not that I still care or anything" he blurted cheeks reddening
"Yeah sure. I believe you"

"Hey! No smart ass comments remember?" He warned sticking his finger between my brows hindering them from creasing together.

I glared at it allowing my eyes to cross

He chuckled trailing his finger down my nose to my Cupid's bow, hovering over my lip.

I glanced up at him from under my lashes, he was transfixed by my mouth.

The red lip stick I wore claimed to make your lips to look bigger and juicer. It should, I paid forty dollars for it at Sephora.

Grinning inwardly, I bared my teeth at him missing his finger by an inch.

He looked at me wide eyed

"Did you try to bite me?"

I smiled casually shrugging


He chuckled observing my poster once more
"I think you'll win" he stated never taking his eyes off it
"Really?" I turned to him
"I have faith in you" he smiled glancing over at me.
"Thank you Trent that means a lot"


After school Trent took me home, met my mom then came to straight to my room. With the door open of course, well half open. 

"So let me hear this speech of yours" Trent said. We sat cross legged on the carpet in my room with English books in front of me, while Trent tried to French braid my hair. Emphasis on trying.

"My speech? No way! It's not ready yet"
He tugged my hair back, my head following along, he peered down at me. I had no choice but to look up at him, from this angle, my head on his lap, I could see straight up his nose.

So many boogers.

"Ouch you're tugging my hair" he ignored my pained looked, instead of letting go he wrapped the chunk around his hand.

"What did I tell you!? I said let me hear your speech. I don't care if it's not done" he growled eyes changing to a smokey blue.
"Trent let go" I could help but laugh which I wholeheartedly regret because I began to choke on my saliva.

He abruptly pushed me up patting my back.
"Christ woman!" He chuckled at my glare.

I fingered the knot in my head frowning as it got more tangled.

"Look what you did!" I groaned

Trent laughed dragging his body closer behind me, pulling my body closer to his so I was pressed against his chest.

"Let me help" he whispered fingers brushing my shoulder lightly

This type of physical contact was driving me crazy, he was being more touchy feely since the kiss.

I nodded reaching for my folder that held my index cards with my speech on it.

"Read it" he whispered, his warm breath tickled my ear. I let out an involuntary shiver.

I cleared my throat as Trent continued to undo the knot.
"Hello Students And Staff of Westbrook High. My name is Kendyl Johnson and I'm a junior, I'm here today to ask for a little bit of your time-"

"Sounds boring" Trent interrupted turning my head to the side peering at me.
"What? I just started!"

"I'm bored! You're losing my attention, what are the main points. Why should I vote for you. Right now if I was the student body I wouldn't even listen to your speech and then your vote goes to Cece-with the best cookies in town-Mitchell" he mocked rolling his eyes

I couldn't help but laugh

"It's a pretty bad slogan isn't i?" he nodded wide eyed 
"The worst but it works for her. She'll be remembered because it's short and funny"

"So what do I do?" I turned to face him when he released my hair, intrigued.

"You need to create something catchy, something sexy" he stated tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Sexy? When did you become an expert at campaigning?" I asked with a raised brow

He chuckled never taking his eyes off me, his gaze was always safe, secure and reassuring.

"I'm not an export. I just know these things" he rolled his eyes leaning his elbows on his knees, our bodies were much closer now, knees brushing.

"Already mister not expert tell me what my campaign needs?" I asked jokingly but in reality I was serious.

"First you need a catchy slogan, then posters later you can worry about the speech once the votes start rolling in" he clarified.

I followed along pencil to paper.

"Okay. Slogan. Posters. Votes then speech. What's next?" I looked up from notepad at Trent whom I hadn't noticed got to his feet.
"This?" He took up my poster an extra I made, ripping it in half.
"TRENT! That's cost me thirty dollars "
"That thirty dollars was a waste of time" he said placing the poster on my desk.

"You owe me thirty dollars"

Hiiiii Hello my people. Did anyone tell you that you're beautiful today? Well you are :) if you're enjoying this book give it a big fat star please. Also, comment something nice to the person above you. I'll start ❤️.

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