Subtle, Clint. Subtle.

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Every school lunchtime, without fail, Clint and Nat sat alone in the corner. It was their thing. Until Wade joined them, that was. The archer wasn't exactly complaining.

Clint (non-verbally) began to panic as he saw the unreadable expression on his new friend's face. "What's up, Wade?"

No reply came as Wade lazily laid his head on the table. He looked rather disheveled.

Nat decided to answer. Of course she knew. "He broke up with his girlfriend, she was bullying someone. I take it that she was the first serious one."

Wade gave a strange sort of whimper, nodding. His usually bright eyes had dulled. "First serious date at all."

Clint felt his guilt rise from the joy this gave him. Being happy that his friend dumped his girlfriend? It was twisted. This only made him feel worse.

"Aw, man. That sucks."

A small smile pulled at Wade's mouth. "Worse if I stayed with her." He sat straight. "I didn't get £&#@ like this in Canada."

"Canada? You and Nat should be the Cold Country Club. Those Maximoff kids can join."

"I'll tell Logan. We need some eye-candy other than me in there."

Clint spluttered, but passed it off as a cough. Wade liked men? That was the best news that he'd heard all month, maybe longer.

"Maximoff isn't exactly bad looking, either," Clint muttered, attempting to force his new found homosexuality into the conversation.

"I didn't think that brunettes were your type."

"They're not. Sokovian Silver Sprinters are a bit closer."

A victorious smirk planted itself on Nat's face, fluctuating between I-knew-it and pride. Wade, however, had dramatically reacted.

"Gay Club!" He shouted, holding his hand up for a high five. Slightly blushing, Clint obliged.

"I'm joining," Nat interjected, tapping her Ace Pride badge. "I'll get Tony in on it, he's sure to love it."

"Pride Pals. Gay Guys n Gals. Queer Queens. Not-Straight Mate. Ace Amigo. Trans Fams. F-"

"Stop. I swear, I'll shoot you."

"With what?" Wade teased, leaning towards. Despite seeming impossible, his grin managed to widen.

"I'm an archer, Wade."

"Legolas. No, Maid Marian."

Clint halted. Where was that from? Then, it hit him. His soulmate said that. It couldn't possibly be Wade. There was no way, surely.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" He quoted.

"I need a reason?" Replied Wade, who had lowered his voice slightly in a hopeful yet anxious tone. He wanted this to be true just as much as Clint.

Clint took a pen and wrote "Touche" across Wade's wrist, beaming when it grew upon his own.

Their eyes met and each grinned, unable to move or speak. They could only see. They saw the sparks of brightness among the fractures of eachother's broken pasts.

Then, the bell rang.

The smiling pair linked their hands as they strolled. Natasha trailed after them, challenging anyone to dare try to take this away from them. And no-one did.

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